Luro stood on a rooftop a little bit away from the inn, he brought a hand to his head as that scene replayed itself in his skull, a part of him couldn't believe it. Just looking at it none of it made sense, he dug in his head for answers but only emptiness came back. He was reminded again the seal was in place to keep him from seeing scenes like that, of seeing the Alari that he knew. Luro took a deep breath and fell onto his back, letting his eyes move to the sky. Too much has happened in the past few days, he felt oddly tired. He was furious at Alari but for some weird reason it wasn't complete anger, something else was mixed in there, he couldn't figure out what exactly that feeling was and that bothered him more than anything. " I've been chasing a ghost all this time," Luro mumbled. "It's just like him to keep something like that from me." Alari raised his gaze to look at Mera, his brows seemed to arch a bit at her response but his normal expression returned moments later. A small smile rested on his face at her words and raising his leg he rested arm on his knee. With a small sigh he slowly shook his head at her comment of atonement. "There's no redemption for the things I've done to him," Alari said shaking his head. "...still you're as perceptive as always Mera...I'm sorry but this one time I have to be a bit of a jerk...I really am sorry." Alari lowered his head at this, he was still tense, his whole body was stiff and his hand trembled slightly as he tried to get somewhat of a hold on himself. "...You didn't mind that though...The person in that memory was me after all. I took it straight from Larel." He raised his head at this and looked back at Mera. "I showed one of my...less proud sides to you...I got to see you in some of your I suppose it's only fair." A blue barrier surrounded Mary as the darkness approached, a figure in a brown cloak stood far away from Mary's location a few feet outside the building. Their hand was held in Mary's direction and they had two fingers pressed against their cloak, peering through the building to her location. The upper part of their face was hidden by the cloak but their teeth was grit as they tried to keep it manifested around Mary. It didn't take long for the magic to fade however and the energy to stop flowing around Mary, the person fell to their knees and brought a hand to their chest breathing heavily as the magic faded. "...I doubt that did anything...but I can't just keep watching like this," the person climbed to their feet looking in the direction of Erin and Rain. "...I'll just have to trust them to handle it. I have to keep moving or I'll be found this way." The cloaked figure turned and leapt away from the scene, they had a debt they had to repay which caused them to check on Mary, but there were things in motion they had to stop which would endanger everyone if they didn't do something.