Here's my villain :) Was wondering if maybe he joins others to deal with the rising amount of heroes? [hider=Photon][center][url=][img][/img][/url] [img][/img] Nate has short dirty blonde hair and blue eyes and a generally young looking face. He has lightly tanned skin from the amount of time he spends outdoors. He is average height and on the thinner side having never bothered to work out and try and build muscle. He spends most of his time in jeans and hoodies and doesn't really bother that much with his appearance. When "Photon" he wears all black with a long black leather coat and a pair of goggles. [color=12156B][h3]Name:[/h3][/color] Nathaniel Cooper (Called Nate by most people) [color=12156B][h3]Alias:[/h3][/color] Photon [color=12156B][h3]Age:[/h3][/color] 19 [color=12156B][h3]Gender:[/h3][/color] Male [color=12156B][h3]Powers:[/h3][/color] Has the following powers: [b]Absolute Light[/b] Can create an explosion of light that fills the area around him, this light is blinding but otherwise does no damage. Used mainly to stun opponents [b]Light Absorption[/b] Absorbs the light around him from light sources such as electric lighting or from sunlight and using it in various ways. He can also store the light he absorbs to use at a later date. [b]Light Manipulation[/b] Manipulates the light he absorbs in various ways either for attacking (Balls, Blasts, Spikes etc) or for defence (Shield, Constructs that protect him etc) [color=12156B][h3]Weaknesses:[/h3][/color] Has the following weaknesses: [b]Darkness or absence of light[/b] Nate cannot generate his own light and must rely on light from external sources to power his abilities. If no light source is available and none is already stored in his body then he is rendered powerless [b]Over absorption[/b] He has to be constantly aware of how much light he has absorbed to ensure he does not accidentally absorb more than his body can safely manage. If he were to absorb too much at one time his body would burst apart [color=12156B][h3]Skills/abilities:[/h3][/color] Has the following skills: [b]Underground/Black market knowledge[/b] Nate has been a criminal for most of his life and as such has intimate knowledge of the underground criminal elements in La Vida, including gang leaders, fences etc [b]Dirty Fighting[/b] Nate has no actual combat training instead he has learned through experience how to fight. His style of fighting is basically do whatever you have to in order to win. It's not graceful, elegant or controlled but is ugly and unpredictable. He fights as a last resort and prefers to rely on his powers to hurt others from a distance. If he is caught in a fight he will fight only to escape [b]Quick Thinking[/b] Nate has survived on his own most of his life and has learned to think quickly, he is adept at thinking on his feet and adjusting his behaviour at a moments notice depending on what's happening [color=12156B][h3]Bio:[/h3][/color] [b][i]"You wanna know about me? My life and shit? Why so you can use it against me? Heck go ahead and try it. Fine fine I'll tell ya I ain't ashamed of it anyways. My mom was some whore that got knocked up from one of her customers and had me in some public toilet in Detroit. To be honest with 'ya I don't know why she didn't just dump me there and then, I probably would have if I were her, but I guess she maybe felt somethin' for me. Not more than the drugs but somethin'. Anyways, I grew up in one shitty apartment after another mostly fending for myself as my mom was either out looking for customers or high on her latest fix. I reckon I was about ten when the child services got involved, I'm surprised they hadn't sooner since I never went to school and spent most of my time stealing stuff to live on, and into foster care I went. I bounced around different homes and some were ok and some not ok. Maybe if I'd been able to stay in one of the ok ones things might have turned out a whole lot different but then again maybe not. I ended up in a pretty nasty home in LA when I was around fifteen and I knew early on that I needed to get the hell outta there. I'd done some school by then and I ain't stupid, no matter what anyone says, and I began savin' money as soon as I could. I also stole cash whenever I got the chance and within a year I had enough to make a run for it. I ended up on the streets and the less said about that the better, it was bad as bad can get. Maybe that's why I said yes to that stupid offer even when I knew it sounded too good to be true. Some guy in a fancy suit said I would get regular meals and cash at the end of it and all I had to do was let them stick some needles into me. Some drug company testing their new drug I figured but of course it was something else, I was the only one to survive those tests with the rest just dying or going completely batshit. I ended up with my powers and everyone else ended up dead so not a bad deal all in all. Of course I used my new powers to get the hell outta there as they wanted to keep me locked up. Figure out how I got powers and the others didn't. I killed a few and hurt a load more escapin' but that's life for ya. You gotta be tough to survive this shit. I ended up in La Vida after that and I'm still here, with these powers I pretty much do what I want and anyone that don't like it well...they get a bit more light than they planned on.[/i][/b][/center][/hider] Also trying to decide on superhero outfit for Wildheart, any ideas would be welcome as I am all out right now lol