[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/360327250866077698/372355567496462336/Curtis.png[/img][/center] [color=39b54a]Kurt had managed to bring the monster down. Kurt remained locked on the beasts arm, wrestling with the massive limb in an attempt to keep the beast from getting up. His claws managed to dig into the bark like flesh of the monster, giving him a better grip on the huge flailing appendage. Kurt got to regain some of his senses as he was in a bit more of a dominant position in the fight now, unfortunately he didn't know how long that would last, or how Ally was fairing. While the struggling continued Kurt noticed something, the rain. It was blood. Like in a horror movie or video game, the sky had actually started raining blood. If Kurt wasn't tearing away at the monsters arm, he would have been stunned by such a development. But for the moment, his biting and clawing were damaging the beast, at least he though it was damaging it, for all he knew this could've just been tickling the hideous creature.[/color]