[h2][center]Naji-Tumor Lizard Enters The Fray[/center][/h2] [@Rune_Alchemist][@CollectorOfMyst][@Zeroth][@duthguy] “The first casualty of any battle is the plan of attack”~Ghandi, War of 1812. Naji was absolutely sure that Ghandi had said this. Maybe the wrong date, but who cares, at the moment, it was proving itself to be absolutely true. As soon as Ash had closed the distance a glowing ball of energy shot out of nowhere and slammed into one of the goblins. For a moment, he wondered if it was Ash’s until he remembered their barter. The lizard of the second goblin dropped his hold on his scaly pet, which preceeded to blitz towards his and Scotts position. [b][i]”The universe is just determined to screw me over...isn’t it?”[/i][/b] He thought, watching the beast rush towards the two of them. Scott yelled for him to get to cover but...well. Naji had his doubts that would help. If he were in prime condition, he could probably just fly his way out of this, but he was far from that. And there probably was nothing readily close he could make use of that would hold off the lizard. He could fight it....That would atleast be funny for anyone watching, though the idea of being thrashed around like an old chew toy made his stomach drop into his knees. So....time to do something stupid. [b]”Scott...cover me.”[/b] He says quickly, standing up and slowly moving out from behind the rock into the lizards sights, hands calmly resting at his sides as he walks carefully towards the charging lizard. [b][i]”Relax...”[/i][/b] He tells himself while taking a deep breath. [b][i]”Its just like dealing with drunk college kids. Only with less slobber.”[/i][/b] [b]”Whoa whoa whoa”[/b] He yells, throwing his arms in front of him and flaring his wings, his voice coming calm and (hopefully) soothing. [b]”Easy big fella. Easy!”[/b] He yells again, lowering his wings a little to what he hoped was a less stressed lizard. He swears to himself that if he dies because of this he will haunt the /shit/ out of whoever fired off that mana thingy.