[center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/209252008576811008/449149513572286468/rsz_seven_exe.png[/img] [img]http://www.geemiz.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/DSC_0336_640x427.jpg[/img][/center] [b]snowglobe[/b].dgmn // [i]NanaZuika_Sugbu[/i]_Beach_Resort.sgf // [color=bc8dbf]seven[/color].exe [quote=@AngelofOctober]“Do I need to hit the others too?” Dorumon ask finally raising his red balloon. Then smacking the two other humans with the red balloon on the cheek, “Hello I am Dorumon.” he looks eagerly happy and enthusiastic that perhaps he got the greeting right. Dorumon stares at the other DigiDestined. Max and Seven, he looks at the other three, “Do you have a name? And why don’t human names end in man?”[/quote] [color=bc8dbf]"Good to see you too, Dorumon... I guess. And 'Seven' is just my nickname, I'm Shichirou Hamada. It means 'Seventh Son' and 'Beach Field'..."[/color] Then Seven did something unthinkable yet humorous to play along with the 'purple dinosaur'... Lifting him up. But to no avail as the creature is about as heavy as both his parents...or more... [color=bc8dbf]"You're heavy for a cute purple dino..."[/color], Seven said to Dorumon, without even a hint of struggling to even try lifting him. It must be the cute appearance, or how he plays along with him since the red balloon. To look like he gave up, he continued, [color=bc8dbf]"And human names ending in man only exists on TV and the movies, they're called superheroes... Or in certain memes around the internet, if you will..."[/color] During this conversation, Seven tries his best to hold back from laughing so hard since he and Max were 'hit'...