[center][hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=8A2BE2]Alexandra Andonova[/color][/i][/b][/h1] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/uAZOyJ2M3vJKs7z9CY/giphy.gif[/img][/center][center][I][h3][color=8A2BE2]I'm a big child at heart. I think it's important to stay that way and not lose the wonder of life. [/color][/h3][/I][/center] [hr][hr][center][b][color=8A2BE2]Location:[/color][/b] Ville au Camp - Outside the Kitchen House ⇢ Road to Main House [b][color=8A2BE2]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A [/center][hr] [color=8A2BE2]"And the Yagababa are sort of like ugly vitches that fly around in a mortar and veild a pestle like a svord,"[/color] Alexandra continued on with her story about the Soulless. She zoomed around the children as if she was flying whilst making odd cackling noises and slashing and jabbing the air with her imaginary pestle, much to the children's amusement. She finally came to a halt, grinning down at them. [color=8A2BE2]"It does sound pretty silly vhen you think about it, but in fact, they are quite terrifying in person. Plus they tend to hunt in packs."[/color] "What do they hunt?" one of the children asked, her eyes wide. Alexandra looked around before motioning for the children to come closer to her as if she had some big secret to tell. She leaned in towards them with mock seriousness on her face. [color=8A2BE2]"They hunt children,"[/color] she whispered. Her facade just about broke when she saw a look of borderline horror cross their features. She then straightened back up. [color=8A2BE2]"But don't vorry this place is free of Soulless,"[/color] she quickly reassured them. [i]Or at least I certainly hope it is...[/i] She still was a bit unsure if the entirety of this world, timeline, whatever you wanted to call it, was free of the plague that were the Soulless. She motioned for the children to follow her. She led them around the side of the Kitchen House to the road that would take them up to the Main House. She took in a deep content breath, the smell of butterscotch and cinnamon hitting her nose. [i]I don't knov vhat that is, but it smells absolutely delightful.[/i] She shook her head to break herself out of the spell that the delicious scents had momentarily put her in. [color=8A2BE2]"Nov vhere ve? Oh yes, Yagababa. They turn young children into them by forcing them to eat their skin flakes."[/color] "Ewwwww!" the children exclaimed collectively. [color=8A2BE2]"I knov, I knov. It's really disgusting, but vhat do you expect from a Soulless?"[/color] she replied, nodding her head in understanding.