[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=sienna]Gilbert[/color] & [color=indianred]James[/color][/i][/b][/h1] [img][/img][hr] [b][color=dimgray]Location:[/color][/b] Ville au Camp (Kitchen House) [b][color=dimgray]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A [hr][/center] The oversized bowl of punch proved to be a little difficult to manage at first. James was no weakling, and Gilbert... well, he was a man who had no shortage of people asking him to help them move. But as the saying went, "It's not that it's heavy, it's just an odd shape". That and being filled to near the brim with sloshing, sweet-smelling liquid certainly made things interesting. They succeeded, as Gil knew they would. This wasn't his first rodeo. Nor his second. Nor his hundredth. It just took some doing to get it over, slowly, and place it upon a rolling service cart. Not for the first time, Gilbert was thankful for the switchback-style ramp along the side of the building, as if constructed exactly for this very purpose. James maintained a bit of nervous energy with the actual application of the punch bowl upon the cart. For him, this [i]was[/i] his first rodeo. The occasional assuring nod that came from The Hat was appreciated, as was the fact that the guy was frigging huge and could likely manage this whole, sugary affair completely by himself. It made him wonder why he was even asked to come along, aside from better acquainting himself with the goings on of Ville au Camp. It seemed that they all had some acclimation to get over. All except for Alicia, and that George guy. Between those two and Peter, they seemed to represent the only three people that used to be alive around there. The building seemed to be made to house more. Lots more. That immediately struck a chord with him. What happened to the others? There had to be others, right? Maybe [i]that[/i] should be his question for the evening. One of them, anyway. With the bowl loaded up, Gilbert grabbed a number of cold sodas from the icebox and arranged them in a washtub half filled with chipped ice, then slid it onto the lower shelf of the cart. He affixed a fitted cover to the massive punch bowl, grabbed a lipped ladle, and motioned to James, [color=sienna]"If you would be as swell, please grab that sleeve of waxpaper cups? Oh and a couple of tumblers, please. Thank you."[/color] James was curious as to why this guy was being so remarkably odd, flipping from overly nice to downright commanding that varied by minute. It must be an Emendator thing. [color=indianred]"Yessir, on it."[/color] he mumbled, picking up the items on the counter behind them and stashing them appropriately. The next minute or two found Gilbert stashing a few more things on the cart, then wheeling it out of the Kitchen House proper and down the ramp. He could not help but notice that a number of people were coming to or moving from the building he had just exited, and thought it curious. As he and James maneuvered the cart full of drinks and goodies into the lot outside, he thought to sate his curiosity about everyone's presence by easing into conversation in a glib, yet permissive manner. He addressed most everyone within easy earshot by querying, [color=sienna]"Remind me, someone: Where did Evelina need the goodie-cart? And how else may I and my good friend James [i]Mandingo[/i] Grady help you tonight?"[/color]