[color=92278f]”Oh yeah Mejin, heard about him.”[/color] Miyuki slammed her hand against her palm, probably leaving Isamu in confusion by knowing about the person she stated she had no idea who he was. Though it could come across as a four year old pretending to know about a subject in a futile attempt to sound smart. [color=92278f]”Well come on Takashi, have some pride for once! You were the only one not to screw up![/color] Miyuki slapped her former teammate on the back several times. If this wasn’t a game, she probably would have cursed Taka with years of terrible backpains considering the clearly audible slapping sounds, which you wouldn’t expect to be added in a Gundam game. Perhaps it’s for the recreation of a slapping of a certain beam happy coordinator. [color=92278f]”Well Daigo, I’ll accept. From the look of this it looks like you could need more friends.”[/color] Miyuki, while rude and borderline insulting, was probably the warmest reception he was getting. Though while Miyuki was smiling, her eyes said that she had, well, her eye on him. She had pretty expressive eyes. Either way it would appear that most of the group was at least suspicious of the famous weirdo butting in on their conversation and trying to offer a shady deal of friendship.