[quote=@Mara] I should've placed bets on how many people would jerk off Nintendo after their E3 conference; I'd be rich. Sony stole the show for me [s](no I'm not bias because I saw more of my gay icon Ellie shutup)[/s], personally. Been hearing people say Microsoft was the best but ehhhh. Bethesda I'm... [i]conflicted[/i] on and Ubisoft can go fuck themselves backwards with a polearm. [/quote] People say Microsoft is the best just because they showed the most games and like 97 percent of what they showed is going to be on platforms people care about anyway. They seem to just casually avoid the fact that Microsoft year after year this generation has shown they have no actual first party legs to stand on - and that they want to hold [i]Crackdown 3[/i] of all games up to the same pedestal as fucking Halo and Gears is laughable. First party games are system sellers and Microsoft's whole Xbox One X rebranding seems aimed at cornering the very niche market of 'gamers with 4K televisions who want to play console games at 60 fps but also don't have a PC that has been doing it for years' while Sony continues to be "This is why you should play on our console because you can't play it anywhere else". Sony didn't [i]have[/i] to show anything beyond their first party releases because Microsoft already did the work for them. The common consumer isn't going to watch E3 so it's not like there's going to be Joe Gamerman watching E3 and saying "Oh man the Xbox has 50 games coming out and Sony has like 6." Sony also showed gameplay instead of just running trailers, and while you can sing for days how the Sony gameplay was fabricated or not indicative of the actual product, at least they fucking [i]showed it[/i]. Microsoft continues to try and pretend that putting people on stage holding controllers will fool everyone into thinking it's a live demo. Yeah I'm sure Forza Horizon 4 was being played real time, guys. Just showing trailer after trailer is what The Game Awards are for and those are still a joke. On the topic of Ubisoft, they provide a vital service. No other company continues to not know how to turn off a fucking live mic when people go off stage. [quote=@Dynamo Frokane] [i]Nintendo's showcase was literally just Smash Bros with nothing else worthy of note.[/i] >Praises SquareEnix showcase for the sole inclusion of KH3 [/quote] No one is praising Square Enix for their showing. It was concise, too much so, and the only thing of any note was that Platinum is making a new game. Sony wound up showing a better KH3 segment than Square anyway. Nintendo had a weak showing because Smash is lame as shit and a Smash with the twist of "We put everyone in it you babies" is still lame as shit. And a Pokemon game inspired by Pokemon Go and also stroking off Genwunners is also lame as shit. But Nintendo also had a banner year in 2017 by releasing two of the highest rated (and over rated) games of that year so them taking a gap year is pretty expected.