[@Duthguy] "Uhm.. thanks? I see what's going on now. This boy has fused with this monster. At least momentarily." He sighed, scratching his head. "I don't think there's a unpainful way to remove it. It will have to let you go on its own. Once it matures." He looked Nathan in the eyes by kneeling down. "Seems you're already well on your way to becoming a trainer. Though you've still got a long way to go. Anyhow!" He got up. Looked at Xuon and laughed. "Well I'd say you can keep two of those for yourself and your monsters." He grabbed the other potions from him. Leaving him with two medium healing potions. "I suppose you're short one monster." He walked over to the spheres. Grabbing one and handing it to Xuon, along with some high quality dried meat. "Take it. See what's inside." [@Guy0fV4lor]