[hider=Magi slime][img]https://www.bing.com/th?id=OIP.8rAo1qC-lDmX_iq24nZ_hgHaGn&pid=Api[/img] Species name: Magi Slime Food source: From small creatures it walks on when traveling. Size: It is only about four feet tall and circular in proportion. Natural abilities: Can absorb physical attacks. Can submerge something inside itself and slowly break it down. Magical abilities: Can learn to cast a single spell. When learning a new spell it forgets the old one. Usual Temperaments: Usually a happy slime ball able to put a smile on peoples faces. Locations Found: In Tearia usually as pets. Weaknesses: Its core is its weak point and its magical center.[/hider] This is what will be in the sphere [@Duthguy]