[quote=@Dynamo Frokane] [b]What makes this online thing more secondary or outside to another online thing, is it not all just online? Where are you drawing the distinction?[/b] [/quote] I literally explained this. But to be nice, I'll explain it again. I don't get to be in the discussion, it's a passive one. Hence, outside. And it's also hard to come by in general, if I need specific podcasts to get this kind of civil, long form discussion. Hence, secondary. Not complicated. [quote=@Dynamo Frokane] [b]Well it's a bit of stupid point.[/b] [/quote] Coming from someone who doesn't seem to understand the point I made in the first place. [quote=@Dynamo Frokane] [b]Also you know that a thread isnt one all encompassing argument. [/b]Its a series of many different debates and topics. And yes you did engage in debates that were civil on there. So my point stands. [/quote] It was/is right now, hence why I'm commenting on it. [quote=@Dynamo Frokane] People can do those things. You are literally ignoring all the discourse that has happened in all the threads that has happened in a civil manner,[b] you're only focusing on the big arguments.[/b] [/quote] ...Forest from the trees. Yes, my comment about stop getting threads closed and ignoring moderators. Happens to solely referring to the specific people disobeying those rules...and? That is literally the point. It's not personal. It's not a comment about the thread. It's specifically condemning the repeated dismissal of ignoring things your instructed to do. (Not *your*, as in you. Mind.) [quote=@Dynamo Frokane] You say you are speaking generally but you engage with things you disagree with just like everyone else does. Your approach doesn't really differ to most of the approaches on here to begin with, but you seem to like to talk down about these threads while repeatedly enaging with them. [b]You would think you would just stay away but you can't help yourself.[/b] [/quote] This isn't a political disagreement. It's an opened imploring to obey the outlined rules in this instance. But this entire conversation is just bleeding too much irony. So just going to cut it off, if you don't mind. [quote=@Dynamo Frokane] The argument seems to be more about the politics of the legitimacy of a national language, it also seems like [b]the people 'arguing' are actually friendly with each other[/b] and aren't taking anything too personally, who are you to decide how people should react to civil discourse?[b] If they feel it's getting out of hand they can say something.[/b] [/quote] If calling everyone stupid is friendly I guess. Thanks for the kind words. (And they did, the person who made this said that. And they also happen to be a discord mod...)