[hr][center][url=https://fontmeme.com/graffiti-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180614/fb6c46c74ff706349a6388930937a9b3.png[/img][/url][/center][hr] Isley sat in the back of the van listening to the two mental health counselors discuss how insane whoever thought dropping off the crazy bitch in the back in the woods was then make a joke about her like she was an unwanted pet. Isley could care less about the two trolls up front, she was going to be out of the hell hole they called a girls home. When the van stopped she waited till they opened the doors and grabbed her things then walked past them as if they didn’t exist. The home had given her an old backpack that stank of what she assumed was cat urine knowing the director had a collection of of the furry freaks and she’d only managed to cut down by washing it in shampoo in the showers, it still stank enough that she could smell it when she carried it. She paused before she stepped into the campgrounds in the back of her mind the thought of how easy it would be to escape from here but she cast such aside by remembering she had only another year and she could just walk out of her sponsored hell.