The Promenade turned out to be far less prestigious than the name let on. Rust and dried blood coated the once pristine structures that crowded around the walkways and courtyards of the province. Bright lights and gaudy signs that promised low prices, fine drinks, or your dreams coming true were a distraction from the decaying urban landscape and the literal tons of pollution that undulated into the perpetual night sky. Province 8 was one of the many criminal 'verticle cities' that dotted Dioni III, but it was one of the most notoriously unscrupulous on the planet. "Ah, home sweet home," Neil mused, though there was a hint of irony in his voice that was inescapable to a keen ear. He did seem to trail along and glance about roguishly as if he could predict where every business deal and thief hid in the vast maze of crowds and alleyways. Smaller structures made of plasteel or scrounged metal were made in certain areas, where less reputable but small time merchants tried to sell their wares. As they passed by an establishment of pleasures, a powerful thug that leaned upon a railing with his elbows eyed Sayeeda and Taya, and grinned. The grin did not stop, his mouth curling impossibly wide to the edges of his cheeks. "You've been here before?" Taya asked, spooked beyond reckoning. She kept her hands at her sides and pockets, hoping to feel if any pickpocket that thought to try his luck on the young girl. Junebug kept her weapon at the ready and her eyes peeled, following Neil who walked far more casually. Though a trained glance showed he'd taken precautions, his gun within easy reach and the flack jacket under his shirt was strapped tightly to his torso. "No, but a lot of places like it." He said. "Always wanted to come here, though. Seems like the next step on my list until I joined the Highlander." A moss-green Xenos the size of a hauler trumped by them, a breathing sack under its neck enlarging every so often. The feelers on its stumpy hands looked as if they would stick upon contact. Even Neil had never seen such a creature before. If he was more of a biologist than a mechanical engineer, he would have been curious on how such a species not only evolved but grew sentience. They turned the corner and found themselves in another courtyard, a bit larger than the previous ones they had stalked through, with a fountain in the center that only trickled water. Neil had to guess the water was somewhat clean, for a lot of bedraggled and down-on-their-luck people seemed to have made shop and small homes in the area. Though mostly it was smaller businesses and loneshark deals. Neil was going to head to the center and ask around before he spotted someone he knew. They spotted him first, however. A tall man approached, his cloak brown and stained. He had a long blonde, braided beard that reached down to his chest, and hair to nearly match it. The man was somewhat aged, but younger than Ranald, with a strong nose and blue eyes. Neil saw him approaching, and he grinned, his arms out wide. "Sven! What in the universe are you doing here?" He said, obviously trying to draw attention to himself, probably for various reasons. "Thought you were dead," Sven said, his voice deathly calm and with an intimidating amount of cunning. He didn't seem to be a comrade of Neil's, but the younger man didn't seem [i]too[/i] wary around him. Obviously they had worked together in the past. Neil spoke next. "Well that's what you were supposed to think, so I guess it worked out. How have you been? Business good?" "Who are they?" Sven asked, his cold, calculating eyes switching to Sayeeda and Taya. Small structured lights flared within his left eye, as if it was a miniature computer terminal. Neil patted him on the shoulder, trying to ignore the question. "Come on now, I have something to sel-" The pilot was gripped by the collar roughly, Sven's face inches from his own. "If business was good, do you believe I would be here?" He asked. "No games." [@Penny]