[center]This RP contains content unsuitable to kiddies. Read at own volition.[/center] [center][img=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/0/05/OFLC_large_MA15%2B.svg][/center] --- [hider=RP Theme song][youtube]GhK1QsyE8pg#[/youtube][/hider] The smell of mould, concrete and rusty metal was at the forefront of her senses. The cell was concrete on the floor and three walls while the fourth wall was made of thick metal bars. Yes, she was in a cell, an ugly and boring one at that, but instead of being sad or even angry, she smiled. Her plan was going perfectly. “She doesn’t exist in any records.” Bob the guard said when his guard buddy walked over. “What do you mean, does not exist?” Peter inquired gruffly and folded his arms as he stood in front of Bob. “As in, despite having a thumbprint, nothing matches. This girl has absolutely no name, no age, no family, no bank account, no nothing. She does not exist.” “Well, has anyone actually tried talking to her?” “Yes, but that’s just it, she won’t talk. She just… stares… Oh, but she did say one thing.” “What was it?” “Her name. She said her name is MindWarp.” “Ugh, so she’s a freak, like the rest of the crooks here.” “Seems like it. It’s a pity though. I would have liked to spend some alone time with her, she’s quite the looker. Not really big in the important areas.” Hands made a cupping motion to his chest and one to his behind. “But, I wasn’t really into the big and busty.” “Pfft, you’re a sicko. Anyway, I better be going, you know how strict the shift replacements are, don’t need a pay cut. See you tomorrow.” “Yeah, yeah you whipped dog you. Later dude.” The guard bid farewell to his workmate and began his duties. First things first. Inspection. With hand over gun and other hand holding a taser baton, he walked along the row of cells. The cells in this part of the prison were fairly low maintenance, they were old styled and the locks were manually opened with a key, instead of with a computer program and electricity. It had been three days now and during MindWarp’s observations, one thing never changed. The guard swap. It happened every day, at the same time and with the same two guards. The two guards factored into her plans and it was only a few more hours until she could put her plan into motion. While the hours passed, she focused on a few other aspects of her plan, most importantly, the building schematics and the locations of a certain few people. They had been specially chosen for their… talents and MindWarp wanted all eleven of them. Sitting straighter on her place on the tiny and itchy sheet cot, MindWarp closed her eyes and began the first stage of her plan. She created the illusion of Bob walking in for his shift swap with Peter. “You’re here early Bob.” “What do you mean? Dude, I am on time. Must be going blind in your old age.” It was a perfect rendition of Bob, accent, speech nuances and all. Plus to make things even more realistic, MindWarp illusioned a later time on the clock. “I could have sworn that the time was only… Uh, never mind. I am just glad that I can leave this horrible place. It’s just unfortunate that I still have to return tomorrow. Anyway I’ll be off now. Enjoy Bob.” He moved past the younger guard and closed the door behind himself. As soon as the door was closed, the illusion instantly disappeared. Half an hour later the real Bob showed up for the shift swap. “Oi, Peter! Where are you, you old man?!” He called out into the hall, lined with various cells. MindWarp grinned and started the second stage of her plan. She illusioned herself invisible and then created the image of Peter inside of her cell. ‘Peter’ pressed himself up against the bars. “Thank God Bob, quick get me out of here. The little minx pulled a smart one on me.” He exclaimed in anger. “She’s escaped? I need to sound the alarms.” Bob began to turn away but turned back when Peter yelled. “Wait! Sound those alarms and the both of us will be in for it. You for being late and me, well it’s pretty obvious. I know where she went, let’s just get her and pretend that this whole thing never happened.” “Sh(caution kiddies it’s a bad word. Close your eyes)it! You are right. Okay, let’s hurry.” Bob agreed with a slight snarl and got his keys. The cell door opened and Bob stepped inside to grab Peter and drag him out, however, his hand went right through and Peter vanished. “What the Fu-“ A hand suddenly went on his forehead and a shock filled his head, it was like a thousand lightning strikes directly in his brain and it was very painful. He thudded to the floor and looked up into the face of MindWarp, with her cold blue eyes and her frown. It was the last thing he saw before he blacked out. MindWarp glared down at the unconscious body of the guard Bob and with a sneer she took his keys, then kicked him harshly in the side. She locked the door behind her and moved on to the third part of her plan. ((Go for it my lovelies. Create your first IC posts. I would like everyone to post one before I make my next post, Please and thank you.))