“Crap!” Jake exclaimed as he reached the top of the stair case and came face to face with one of the guards that was stationed on the second floor. Thrusting his uninjured hand forwards, Jake grasped the guard’s gun with his power and shoved the man hard against the wall behind the guard. He was glad to see that the guard was unconscious, although at the cost of being heard. With the guards from the first floor quickly climbing the stairs to investigate the sound, Jake knew he needed to act quickly. "You know, when I agreed to help you out I didn’t sign up for this.” The man said into his mic with frustration as he grabbed the guard he had as hostage by his collar and started to move towards the storage room. However he didn’t get too far before he heard a gun go off behind him. “Seriously?” Jake said turning around with the hostage in front of him. The two guards had their guns pointed at him and Jake knew that he wouldn’t be able to talk this situation away as he did earlier. “Step away from the hostage.” Another voice said from the other end of the hall where there was one more guard stationed in front of the storage room. He was pinned and knew that he wouldn’t be able to stop all three before one of them tried to take a shot at him. He was trapped. He needed to find a solution and quickly because things would become more difficult if he waited too long and more guards showed up. If he attacked the two guards by the stairs, he would be open to an attack by only one guard but he would still have to deal with that one guard. On the other hand, he could attack the single guard by the door and risk two shooters but be able to make it into the storage room and jam the door behind him so that the two guards wouldn’t be able to get in. However he knew that it would leave him open to whatever could be behind the door. “Alright Watcher let’s hope this will work out, because if it doesn’t my ghost will find you and haunt and somehow find a way to haunt you.” Shoving the hostage towards the two guards, Jake sprinted towards the single guard as the light started to flicker uncontrollably. Using that to his advantage, Jake shoved the gun hard towards the man, knocking him back hard against the door. As he sprinted the rest of the way towards the door, Jake aimed the gun down the hallway towards the three guards with shaky hands and started shooting, making the gun bob around in the middle of the air without aim. Luckily, the gun ran out of ammunition by the time he made it to the door and quickly slammed the door shut behind him. With his focus still towards the door, Jake quickly jammed toe doorknob so that it would be hard for the guards to enter the room.