[center][u][h3][color=00bfff]Alexander James Wood[/color][/h3][/u][/center] Early Friday morning found Alex down in the bakery busting out as many cakes as he could while listening to soft piano music in his headphones. He had a wedding cake due that afternoon and he was taking no chances. Ann walked in and shook her head at him, [color=#FF1493][b]"You work too hard, my boy. Shouldn't even be down here yet and you've already baked more than enough."[/b][/color] He jumped at the sound of his boss scolding him after she pulled a earbud out, she really was like a mother to him. She took him in when his wouldn't have anything to do with him, didn't charge him rent in place of working for her and still helped with his medical bills. Ann was a complete angel and he couldn't ask to work for a better woman. [color=00bfff][b]"Well, no I shouldn't be, but I've got the the Prickett cake due at three and a couple birthday cakes before. I would like to get out of here after the Prickett cake and get a nap in. I've got that open mic tonight, remember? Part of the agreement was I would get out more, can't do that if someone is burning my cakes,"[/b][/color] he said with a shit eating grin, replacing his earbud. Pulling a couple cakes from the freezer he set to work dirty icing them. They were for a small two tier first birthday cake to be covered in fondant, not his favorite thing in the world. He much preferred to draw things out in icing, but the parents insisted. He carefully placed the rounds in the cooler to set before rolling out the different colors of fondant he'd need. He pulled out the faces he'd made just a few hours prior. They were set, but not enough to be completely solid. After covering the two cakes he delicately placed Grover, Cookie Monster, Elmo, and Big Bird on the bottom tier with some piping gel. Placing the two cakes side by side he placed some different color polka dots around them. Once happy he took the street sign with the name "Andrew" on it and put it on the front of the smaller tier. Ann walked by and gave him a pat on the back before stacking the cakes for him. This part always made Alex incredibly nervous and he thanked God that Ann didn't mind doing it for him. Checking over the order form he started on the smash cake with a star tip. [color=00bfff][i]"Red really isn't the color I'd pick for a smash cake,"[/i][/color] he thought as he made Elmo's face into a cake. He pushed the two cakes side by side to get a [url=https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fcmingalls.files.wordpress.com%2F2015%2F03%2Fsesame-street-elmo-cake-2.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fcmingalls.blog%2F2015%2F03%2F28%2Fsesame-street-characters-cake-and-elmo-smash-cake%2F&docid=MWdOwS2V2UuKeM&tbnid=MZHayB02L03YIM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwizva6_q9TbAhXpzIMKHdBxCa8QMwhIKA0wDQ..i&w=2703&h=3667&bih=676&biw=1280&q=icing%20characters%20cakes&ved=0ahUKEwizva6_q9TbAhXpzIMKHdBxCa8QMwhIKA0wDQ&iact=mrc&uact=8]photo[/url] of them before boxing them up. The second cake was a an icing one and he couldn't be happier. Smearing the top yellow he was careful not to get any on the sides before covering them in light blue. On the top he mounded a bit of yellow for cheeks before drawing out the face. Alex did so many cakes like this he swore he could do them in his sleep. Piping some baby blue for eyes he noticed Ann dirty icing the wedding tiers for him and smiled to himself. He could go take a well deserved nap. Not that he'd tell Ann, but he'd been up all night making fondant faces and flowers after Kelly called in ill. He said he'd cover for her even after working that morning and over estimated what he could handle. He made excellent use of the coffee pot in the last twenty-four hours. Looking down at the annoying sponge's face he drew some flower like shapes on the side before piping a yellow star trim around the top and light blue ball trim along the bottom. He finished the [url=https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2Foriginals%2F6c%2F36%2F89%2F6c3689f77b40c6be62fff9b8435f8ce2.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fpin%2F298011700320253997%2F&docid=V7L8jWMJJ-bu0M&tbnid=G1bYdw2QMw38vM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwiDmLCCrNTbAhWpx4MKHQNABh0QMwi5AigTMBM..i&w=806&h=1334&bih=676&biw=1280&q=spongebob%20cakes&ved=0ahUKEwiDmLCCrNTbAhWpx4MKHQNABh0QMwi5AigTMBM&iact=mrc&uact=8]cake[/url] and boxed it before making his way to Ann. [color=#FF1493][b]"When is the last time you slept? And don't lie to be, boy, I can see the tired in your eye."[/b][/color] [color=00bfff][b]"Night before last,'[/b][/color] he muttered before receiving a small slap on the arm. [color=#FF1493][b]"Go up to bed, I don't wanna hear you moving up there, ya got it??"[/b][/color] [color=00bfff][b]"Yes ma'am,"[/b][/color] he said with a playful salute before making his way up to bed. Alex woke up later than intended and cursed himself as he took a quick shower, this time he smelled of citrus. He flung open his closet door and rummage to find a simple black shirt to pair with his bleach washed denim jacket. As much as he wanted to pick out a nice floral print button up, he hadn't passed all that well to the man at the zoo and wanted to blend in for the time being. At least until his voice evened out more and face slimmed a bit more. Fortunately, he hasn't experienced as many voice cracks as he did just two days ago. Sliding some black slim fit pants he stored all his belonging in the pockets before making his way to the door and sliding on his [url=https://www.drmartens.com/us/p/mens-boots-carpathian-2976]boots.[/url] Alex made way to Club Aether on foot rather quickly. He didn't want to get there once everyone was already wasted and miss out of getting to that point with them. He scanned his ID card and was allowed into the pale purple lighting. Looking at the stage he saw a man with long hair absolutely killing it. He noticed there was no line at the stage and made his way to the bar. After a two shots of Jack he was ready. Walking up to the stage as the man got off he chatted with the band and picked up an acoustic guitar. Someone handed him a stool to sit on and he checked the tuning on the guitar. As he did this he leaned to the microphone, [color=00bfff][b]"I hope you guys don't mind if I slow things down a little. Poor timing, I know."[/b][/color] Once everything was set up to his liking he spoke again, [color=00bfff][b]"I really hope you guys like it."[/b][/color] Quite nervously he played the first few cords of [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbXjbopM4uo]Say It Ain't So.[/url] He closed his eyes and began singing. Come time for the second verse his eyes opened and brow furrowed with the amount of passion he carried into the chorus. While his father hadn't left him because of any sort of drugs, he still knew how it felt for him to be absent in his life. He carried the passion all the way through the song until the guitar interlude at the end. He stood and lightly bowed his head forward before unstrapping the guitar and slumping down in the nearest seat. He needed a moment to collect himself, regretting doing a song that provoked such feeling in himself.