Despite Travis' mere protest, Felix still advised upon him to do what he could before they would eventually partake on their mission. After that, Felix left the hallway and presumably back where Zuri was resting. Travis took the moment to stare back at the memory case, eyeing the ebony mass coursing within it, contemplating what he was going to do. Eventually reaching the lab again, Travis set the small crystalline cube table and lazily eased back into his chair and beamed at the ceiling. Emotions still churned within him. Guilt. Anger. Confusion. He was so sure and confident that the spell would have worked, perhaps more specifically and bluntly, what he was expecting to work. The reality of the matter was that the spell did its job correctly and was destroying the mysterious curse; the difference however was that the curse apparently served a different purpose and objective. It was the unknown element he had feared of running up against. Travis clutched his face with his right hand and groaned. At the end of the day, despite the horrible outcome that could have manifested, this event was just another circumstance of trial and error. Now he had solve the new problem that stood before him. "Fine then," Travis said has he quickly re-oriented himself and took hold of the memory case with both hands. Casting his light projection spell into the small box, a holographic image imitating that dark mass hovered above it. Lastly, he activated the Causality Scryer and adjusted the scheme to dissect the sample in its confines, "lets see what you're really made of."