So, before I post my response, I must ask you an important question; [b]What direction or “theme” are you wanting this RP to explore? Are you wanting it to be built more on espionage or battle-based civil war?[/b] If we take the path of espionage and secret plans, Cecilia and the Loyalists will rely on shadier tactics such as assassination, blackmail, bribery, extortion and etcetera to topple Queen Malva. This will more or less be a from-the-shadows“rogue” type RP. The battle-based path will be more straight-forward and the rebellion against Malva more militaristic. Cecilia and the Loyalists will gather support of nobles and commoners alike and lead an open rebellion against Malva. They will take her cities, wipe out her armies, and in the end march on her final stronghold in Dalhorst. This path will be more army and battle based as I said. So, which do you prefer? I’m perfectly ecstatic for either course. I just need your choice in the matter and we will commence forth. (And yes, I posted this in the middle of the night. Having trouble sleeping tonight so I figured why not post now, eh?)