“Scoundrel. I like the sound of that.” –Han Solo [img=http://media.giphy.com/media/84zcvmPTFfm2Q/giphy.gif] A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.... [B]STAR WARS: EDGE OF THE EMPIRE[/B] It is a dark time for the galaxy. Striking from their hidden base, the Rebel Alliance has destroyed the evil [B]GALACTIC EMPIRE's[/B] powerful Death Star. Now, Imperial Forces strike back, throwing the galaxy into war. In the midst of conflict, countless planets suffer under Imperial tyranny. Many flee oppression to build new lives beyond the bounds of civilization. On the edge of the Empire, these renegades struggle to survive and remain free in the midst of ongoing turmoil.... ________________________________________ [B](Playing the Game/RPG)[/B] Welcome to Star Wars: Edge of the Empire as some of you might know I am basing this RP off of the tabletop RPG "Edge of the Empire" by Fantasy Flight Games. I'm taking this example and using it as inspiration for the style, storyline, and rules for this RPG though I won't be following it "by the book" so to speak if you are familiar with Core Rulebook you might as well stop looking at it cause it won't do you any good, other than an external reference for your character creation and more background for galactic events, and settings. [B](Rules) [/B] [hider=Rules]1. Follow the rules of the Forum. 2. When writing a post [B]only write about your character[/B]. Specifically (your character's thoughts, emotions, visions/dreams, words, actions, maneuvers, descriptions, interactions with environment and other players and NPCs [B]without[/B] violating PCs or NPCs. 3. [B]GM (Game Master) rules.[/B] No "and's", "if's" or "but's". I will be the GM to moderate the RP be the NPCs (allies, enemies, and bystanders). Now this RPG was meant to give power to the players to control the story. That being said I will only guide the adventure when it needs to be guided. I am not out to get your characters into trouble, but don't take this "freedom" for granted. Because I'm sure if your PCs start acting "a-fool" there will be consequences to include (damage, loss of property, damage to health, imprisonment/capture, death). Now [B]if a debate comes up[/B] or you wish to give advice or comment about something please mention it in OOC and I will take it into consideration. I will listen to reason if an issue arises but the GM's say is final in all decisions. Please keep all arguments and discussions out of the RP thread and to be discussed on the OCC thread. The GM will hear out every side of the story or issue before making a final decision, but remember this is all for fun and story and not to be taken too seriously. 3. [B]Death:[/B] as mentioned earlier, when it comes to taking damage to your player character I will tell you if damage is minor, major, serious, critical, or fatal, but I am only attempting to make this RP as realistic as possible so put yourself into the situation and ask yourself with question "If I was in this situation in real life as this character, what would I do?" before you decide to jump off a bridge or single-handedly take on a squad of stormtroopers. 4.[B]No God-modding[/B] (controlling the actions events of other PCs or NPCs) , [B]or meta-gaming[/B] (using outside knowledge that your PC would not have in the RPG for your own advantage (for example, a conversation between two characters when your character is not present). 5. I will give you [B]descriptions of the environment[/B]t and you will perform actions in your posts, if you have questions about the environment put them in Out of Character format: (how many guards are at the gate? How many exits are in the room? what kind of weapons are they wielding?) [B]and I will answer them.[/B] 6. [B]Combat.[/B] Combat can be initiated in one of two ways [B]self-initiated[/B] when your character intends it, or when the [B]GM initiates combat through hostile NPCs[/B]. When this happens you will post your character's actions and maneuvers, and the [B]GM will respond with the outcomes[/B] (damage,doge ect). You are not authorized to determine outcomes. 7. [B]Combat Rules:[/B] Every combatant takes a turn with only [B]ONE action, and ONE maneuver[/B], or [B]TWO maneuvers and NO action[/B]. [B]Maneuvers[/B] -Aiming a weapon -moving (walk, run, crawl) -opening a door -diving behind cover/taking cover -standing up -assisting other PCs or NPCs -guarded stance -interacting with environment (flipping table over, hefting crate, shove barrel) -manage equipment (draw, holster, ready, load ammo) -mount/dismount [B]Actions[/B] -firing weapon -punching, wrestle, melee -slicing computer -opening locked door -instructing allies with orders -performing first aid on allies -sneaking up on vigilant foes -climbing a cliff, ladder, fence -using Force-abilities (if applicable) 8. [B]Have fun. [/B] :rollin [/hider] ________________________________________________ [B](CHARACTER CREATION)[/B] [hider=CHARACTER CREATION]Step 1: [B]Create Character Concept and Background[/B]. Each character starts out as an idea. Is your character background "Down and Out", "Middle Class Struggles", "High and Mighty", or an "Outsider." Once a player determines his/her former background then consider what caused him/her to enter the nebulous and dangerous world of Edge of the Empire. Was it a single or traumatic event? There are several hooks to choose from "Opportunity Knocks", "Higher Calling", "Enemies and Antagonists", "Failure of Character", and "Wrong Place, Wrong Time". Step 2: [B]Choose Obligation.[/B] Each player starts with [B]at least one[/B] obligation. An obligation may be a tangible one such as a debt owed or a bounty on one's head, or a intangible one such as a favor or familial duty. Pick an obligation [B]that makes sense[/B] for your character's backstory. [B] Obligation has a huge effect[/B] on the storyline and actions in the adventures. For example, a character with a bounty on his head may run into trouble with bounty hunters or a criminal may be hunted down by the Empire or security forces. Taking a secondary obligation will allow a starting character to start with 2,500 extra credits versus the standard start with 500. Once you select an obligation create background for the obligation so the GM may create NPCs and storyline for your character's environment. Obligations can be settled in roleplay and additional obligations[B] can also be gained[/B] (for example, double-crossing a Hutt, or Imperial Entanglements). [B]Obligation's List[/B] -Addiction -Betrayal -Blackmail -Bounty -Criminal -Debt -Dutybound -Family -Favor -Oath -Obsession -Responsibility Step 3: [B]Choose a Species:[/B] Characters have a wide variety of species to choose from in the SW galaxy, but there [B]are several you cannot choose [/B]based on the time of this RP during the Galactic Civil War after the movie "A New Hope" or it just doesn't make sense (for example, Sith, Miraluka, Sand People, Yoda's species, Ewok, Taung, even Chiss) Common Species List (other proposed species must be accepted by GM) -Human -Bothan -Droid -Gand -Wookiee -Trandoshan -Twi'lek -Rodian -Mon Calimari -Gungan -and many more... Step 4:[B] Select a Career and Specialization[/B]. Every character has a line of work that fits with their backstory. Every career and specialization have ranks of different skills depending on the path. [B]Choose ONE career, and ONE specialization.[/B] New skills and specializations can be purchased along the way in RP. [B]Careers[/B] -specializations [B]Bounty Hunter[/B] (Choose 4: Athletics, Brawl, Perception, Piloting (Planetary), Piloting (Space), Ranged Heavy, Streetwise) -Assassin (Choose 2Melee, Ranged Heavy, Skullduggery, and Stealth) -Gadgeteer/Tech (Choose 2: Brawl, Mechanics, Coercion, Ranged Light) -Survivalist (Choose 2: Knowledge (Xenology), Perception, Resilience, Survival) [B]Colonist[/B] (Choose 4: Charm, Deception, Knowledge (Core Worlds), Knowledge (Education), Knowledge (Lore), Leadership, Negotiation, Streetwise) -Doctor (Choose 2: Cool, Knowledge (Education), Medicine, Resilience) -Politician (Choose 2: Charm, Coercion, Deception, Knowledge (Core Worlds)) -Scholar (Choose 2: Knowledge (Outer Rim), Knowledge (Underworld), Knowledge (Xenology), Perception) [B]Explorer[/B] (Choose 4: Astrogation, Cool, Knowledge (Lore), Knowledge (Outer Rim), Knowledge (Xenology), Perception, Piloting (Space), Survival) -Fringer (Choose 2: Astrogation, Coordination, Negotiation, Streetwise) -Scout (Choose 2: (Athletics, Medicine, Piloting (Planetary), Survival) -Trader (Choose 2: Deception, Knowledge (Core Worlds), Knowledge (Underworld), Negotiation) [B]Hired Gun[/B] (Choose 4: Athletics, Brawl, Discipline, Melee, Piloting (Planetary), Ranged Light, Resilience, Vigilance) -Bodyguard (Choose 2: Gunnery, Perception, Piloting (Planetary), Ranged Heavy) -Marauder (Choose 2: Coercion, Melee, Resilience, Survival) -Mercenary Soldier (Choose 2: Discipline, Gunnery, Leadership, Ranged Heavy) [B]Smuggler[/B] (Choose 4: Coordination, Deception, Knowledge (Underworld), Perception, Piloting (Space), Skullduggery, Streetwise, Vigilance) -Pilot (Choose 2: Astrogation, Gunnery, Piloting (Planetary), Piloting (Space)) -Scoundrel (Choose 2: Charm, Cool, Deception, Ranged Light) -Thief (Computers, Skulldugery, Stealth, Vigilance) [B]Technician[/B] (Choose 4: Astrogation, Computers, Coordination, Discipline, Knowledge (Outer Rim), Mechanics, Perception, Piloting (Planetary)) -Mechanic (Choose 2: Brawl, Mechanics, Piloting (Space), Skullduggery) -Outlaw Tech (Choose 2: Knowledge (Education), Knowledge (Underworld), Mechanics, Streetwise) -Slicer (Choose 2: Computers, Knowledge (Education), Knowledge (Underworld), Stealth) [b]Force Exile[/b] (A rough knowledge of the Force, with minor skill, or undeveloped prowess) -Mystic -Darksider -Forsaken Jedi Step 5:[B]Determine Motivation:[/B] Motivations provide flavor and distinction to every character as to what defines him and what makes him "tick." Three main motivations [B]Ambition, Cause, and Relationship[/B]. [B]Specific Ambitions List[/B] -friendship -love -freedom -fame -greed -status -expertise -wanderlust/novelty -power -religion/spirituality [B]Specific Causes List[/B] -religion/spirituality -the weak/charity -non-human rights -local politics -overthrow the Empire -crime -emancipation -droid rights -capitalism -support the Empire [B]Specific Relationships List[/B] -place of origin -pet -childhood friend -comrades -sibling/siblings -mentor -parents -extended family/clan -droid companion -former nemesis/rival Step 6: [B]Select Gear and Appearance:[/B] Everyone starts out with [B]500 credits[/B] (unless you've taken an additional obligation, if so then [B]3,000 credits[/B]) plus starting equipment, I will let [B]you determine what your character starts with[/B] such as tools weapons, gear and armor, [B]but it must be appropriate to your character and back story[/B] (I may have you edit it if I feel you have gone outside the boundaries of "grace"). Keep in mind your character is still making a name for himself/herself you are a "nobody" neither famous or infamous, but it doesn't mean you can't become something. You aren't the best of the best, you aren't the most notorious criminal or most wanted bounty, but it doesn't mean you can become a legend. This is where you begin your tale. Step 7: [B]Approval:[/B] I will look over your character and either [B]accept or deny[/B] based on my findings or [B]I may ask you to make some minor/major adjustments[/B]. Once you have been approved we will wait to start with (3 minimum) and begin the RP. [/hider] ________________________________________________________ [b]Dramatis Personae:[/b] [hider=Dronas Khal]Name: Dronas Khal Age: 24 Species: Human Appearance: Dronas stands at around 6 ft 2 and has a slim but muscular physique. His skin is quite pale and contrasts his pitch black hair that runs down his head in messy curls. He has ice blue eyes and slim features all of which would make someone think of a proper man from a well to do family however he is from anything but luxury. Finally he has a distinctive scar across his left cheek. Background: Dronas was born to a poor prostitute in the slums of Nar Shaddaa. Although his mother tried to take care of him as best she could he found himself alone for most of his childhood and most of the time went to bed hungry. However one night when he was 6 his mother took him out for a walk. She took him to the out skirts of the space port and told him stories of brave men and great heroes traveling into the stars and making their fortune. He looked up into the sky and the stars filled his eyes. It had been the first time he had seen the night sky since sky scrapers normally filled his view at home and he found it the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. When he was 8 Dronas became introduced into the world of crime. A friend of his had an older brother who was part of a gang who were in desperate need of new blood. His first job was to drop a small package of drugs to a local bar, during his trip he was attacked by an addict with a knife and only just managed to escape with a gash across his face. After a few years of service, at the age of 12 Dronas was given his first blaster. It was a small and old pistol that was on its last legs however he cherished it with his life. By now he was on to bigger jobs, guarding brothels and intimidating workers. The pay was okay and he now had a small apartment in a slums hab unit. His mother died when he was 16 from a fever, on her death bed he promised his mother he would leave Nar Shaddaa and make his fortune. Collecting all of his money he sold off all of his assets. His apartment, speeder and the shares of a small bar he had been given as a gift after saving the owner from a rival gang. He then bought a one way ticket to Cloud City, where many people had spoken of there being some of the best chances for a man to make his fortune. The journey was rather un-eventful and when he arrived his eyes were met with a city that seemed a whole new universe from where he had come from. On Bespin Dronas began work as a gun for hire. His first few contracts were small time body guard work however the money wasn’t great and he could barely scrape a life in a small apartment and a cheap speeder. Finally when he was 21 he got his first big contract. A Hutt contact had recently been attacked in a cantina and had gone into hiding after his guards were killed. The contract was given anomalously and he had no idea who the man was he was protecting however he took the job simply for the money. It turned out to be a rather easy job since the assailants thought their target was already dead and so Dronas basically had to stand outside a room for a few hours until Hutt employees could extract the man. However the money was good and further Hutt contracts began to flood his way. Very soon he had enough money to move into a larger apartment and buy and maintain a decent set up of equipment. Dronas made a mistake however. One job he received was to guard a shipment of spice in a hanger. However when the job was done he decided the pay hadn’t been good enough and so filled his speeder with the spice. The Hutts noticed this and have since put a bounty on Dronas’ head. Furthermore they leaked his name to Empire officers and his name has been added to the long list of criminals they are looking for. Deciding that his time in Cloud City is over Dronas plans to leave as soon as possible however he has an idea that could mean a vast growth in his wealth. Obligations: Bounty and Criminal Career: Hired Gun (Mercenary Soldier) -Specialisations: Melee, Ranged Light, Resilience, Vigilance, Leadership and Gunnery Motivation: Power, Crime and Comrades. Equipment: -2550 Credits -Blaster Pistol -Vibrosword -Light Combat Armour -Long Duster Coat -Reinforced Combat Boots -Reinforced Gloves[/hider] [hider=Adoniram El-Therias]Name: Adoniram El-Therias Age: 42 Race: Human Appearance: Adoniram is an average sized human, standing at 5 feet 10 and a half inches tall with short dark hair and blue eyes. His face is covered with scruffy stubble and his neck is decorated with a deep burn scar. He has shallow cheek bones and a rounded chin with a less-than-chiseled jaw and weak features. He's in physically fit shape, as is required for his line of work and has defined muscles on his arms and legs. His skin is somewhat tanned and his complexion is not what you would consider "nice" by any means and his lips are dry and thin. Across his left forearm is a tattoo of a large serpent which coils around him from the wrist to the elbow. The tattoo is primarily black though the serpent is slashed with the occasional red red streak and opens its mouth to a golden star which is planted on his palm. Across the right side of his chest the burn scar from his neck continues and extends outward to the end of his pectoral muscles and onto his arm and shoulder on the same side. Across from it, on the left side of his chest is a tattoo of a black serpents head, broken up into sections with red flame protruding from its nostrils. Adoniram's right forearm is a dark grey metallic color from the middle of the forearm down, though it is generally covered by clothing when shown bare it is apparent that his arm has been replaced by a robotic prosthetic. He was, unfortunately, unable to pay for treatment of quality after receiving his injury and was forced to continue on without having the prosthetic skin graphed over the hand. Backstory: Raised in the lower levels of Coruscant to an abusive father and no mother, Adoniram experienced the roughest kind of childhood that the planet had to offer. He joined a street gang at the age of twelve and began extorting money from merchants and passersby at the age of sixteen. At the age of eighteen, after serving the gang for several years, he starting taking on contracts for them, eradicating enemies of the gang and kidnapping those who owed them money. After several years of such activity he began to extend his services to other on Coruscant, and before long he was taking on contracts off of the planets surface. Thus began his career as a bounty hunter. He took on over two dozen contracts, pulling in over forty kills in his first six years as a hunter before he finally joined a company: The Black Snakes. In their service he took on solo jobs and team efforts pulling in a comfortable living over the course of the next thirteen years he worked with this company, killing, taking, working hard and making a name for himself. When he was twenty eight he began working the high-end jobs that came through the company. One such job, based on the surface of Dantooine, changed the course of his career. He and three other hunters were pursuing a rogue Rodian arms dealer who'd cheated a Hutt cartel overlord weeks before. They expected it to be a rather simple job, despite the reputation of the arms dealer, as they did not expect him to know that they would find him so quickly. When the hunters were infiltrating his compound they had encountered a guard station and been forced to fire prematurely. They fought their way through the compound and into a hallway which they suspected the arms dealer to be hiding at the end of. Unfortunately Adoniram was not equipped with CQB or EOD equipment and was incapacitated by a thermal detonator. He awoke hours later in the medbay of the base. They had granted him a prosthetic arm as his had been ruined by the thermal detonator, however the company would not pay for skin graphs and Adoniram hadn't the money for it himself as he had to split the bounty for the Rodian three ways and give the company commander a cut. However this incident had given him the right to earn his tattoo and call himself a true snake. This meant he'd be allowed to partake in the councils and deal with contacts personally, as well as keep all money from the bounties he collected for himself. Three years later he took on a contract from a different member of the Hutt Cartel, but unfortunately his target was killed before he could reach him and the bounty called for a living man. So, unwilling to sacrifice his credits he falsified his mark and brought in a fake target. He received his credits and a bonus for expedient delivery and was capable of escaping the Hutt compound before a holocall came in stating the anger of the Hutt. The Snakes were assaulted by Cartel soldiers and, although they repelled the soldiers, they exiled Adoniram from their order and seized the credits from him, then fleeing into the outer rim to hide in a more secluded area. With nobody to protect him from the wrath of the cartel and no credits to pay back his debt to the Hutt he fled to Cloud City in hopes of hiding from the cartel until he could gather the credits he needed. He's coming to the end of his first year on the station. Obligations: -Betrayal (The betrayal of his brothers in arms) -Debt (His debt to the cartel) -Obsession (His obsession with locating and terminating the snakes) Career: Bounty Hunter Specialization: Gadgeteer/Tech Skills: Piloting (Space), Streetwise, Athletics, Brawl, Ranged (Light), Mechanics Ambitions: -Freedom -Greed Causes: -Crime -Capitalism Relationships: -Clan (Black Snakes, Negative relationship) -Hutt Cartel (Negative relationship) -Rival (Mark Chee, Negative relationship) Gear: - 2,688 credits in pocket - 12,000 credits in debt - Hip Holstered blaster (Optics attached to the top, Coolant vent on the side to prevent quick overheating) - Black combat armor (Chest, thighs, shins, forearms, shoulders, pelvis, groin covered, poor condition) - Damaged black helmet (Red visor, optics no longer work, paint chipping off) - I.D. Scanner (Basic information such as Name, bounty, wanted status) - Wire-Cable attached to wrist (For tying targets, up to twenty feet, takes four seconds to use + time to aim) - Utility belt with batteries, bandages, and one vial of bacta inside.[/hider] [hider=Braedug Kramm]Name: Braedug Kramm Age: 36 Species: Twi'lek Appearance: Braedug is slim in build. He has a constant, nervous, twitchy energy that keeps him from staying still long. Braedug is tan colored. He is 5'7". He has no real distinguishing marks, a quality he tries his best to keep, and even his clothing is usually generic, to avoid recognition. History: Braedug is the son of a roguish smuggler and the daughter of a minor political figure. When he was born, his father took him, at the threat of a blaster wedding from the mother's family. Braedug was raised in a smuggler's ship, and learned the trade from his father. His skills all come from that upbringing, and when his father died "in an accident" that involved yet another daughter of some local aristocracy, Braedug inherited his father's ship. From there, he did what he knew best: making sure the spice flowed. He smuggled and connived for a living, and as such, has made his fair share of enemies. Imperial officers whose fingers he's slipped through, nobility of any kind with pretty daughters, and criminals he's ripped off are all after his head, and many bounties bear his name. Through it all, his wit and silver tongue bested all but one. Braedug found himself outmatched when he angered a particularly resourceful hutt, and found himself bound and chained, awaiting a fate not unlike that of his father's. Braedug was saved when a mercenary in the employ of the hutt recognized him. This mercenary was a former comrade of Braedug's father, and offered to assist his assist on one condition. Braedug was charged with bringing a package to Cloud City, in the Bespin system. He does not know what this package, and as part of his deal, he is not allowed to open it until he finds the contact who is to receive the package. Braedug is just arriving at Cloud City. Obligations: Debt (Of course he owes money) Bounties (Self explanatory) Duty bound (There are some deals even Braedug won't skip out on) Career: Smuggler Specialization: Scoundrel Skills: Deception, Pilot (Space), Skullduggery, Knowledge (Underworld), Charm, Cool. Ambitions: Greed, wanderlust. Causes: Capitalism, crime. Relationships: Hutt cartel (Negative relationship) Law enforcement (Negative relationship) Equipment: 3,300 credits A whole mess of prices on his head. Basic, loose fitting clothing. Boots, pants, shirt, jacket. Standard blaster pistol, fired once, by accident. A smuggling ship, filled with various spices and hidden valuables. The package. Picture of contact.[/hider] Group Ship(s) List: [hider=The Scrap Heap]Hull type/Class: Freighter/YT-1300 Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation Hyperdrive: Primary: Class 2, Backup: Class 12 Navicomputer: Yes Sensor Range: Short Maximum Speed (atmosphere): 800 km/h Crew:1-2 Cargo Capacity: 165 metric tons Passenger Capacity: 6-15 Consumables: 2 months Worth: Used/minor customizations 30,000 Customization hard points: 6 Weapons: One Dorsal and One Ventral Turret Mounted Medium Laser Cannon Shields: standard/medium [/hider] ________________________________________________________ [B]The Story: Clouds, Casinos, and Crime[/B] Our PCs will start out on [B]Cloud City[/B] which presides over the Gas giant of [B]Bespin[/B]. Every PC will begin this adventure at the [B]Hole-in-the-Wall [/B]cantina, club, and casino where the introductions shall begin. Hole-in-the-Wall is located in [B]Port Town [/B] level 123 of Cloud City and is known attraction to the cities [B]wretched hive of scum and villainy.[/B] For whatever reason your character is on Cloud City, looking for work, running from trouble, or making a new life... there is much to be accomplished. [B]Bespin/Cloud City Information[/B] [hider=Bespin/Cloud City]Bespin is located in the Bespin system, Anoat Sector, [B]Outer Rim region[/B]. Bespin's "government" is made up of guilds [B]neither Imperial or Rebel aligned.[/B] Bespin's [B]population 6 million[/B]: 68% Humans, 8% Ugnaughts, 6% Lutrillians, 18% other). Comman language spoken is [B]Galactic Basic[/B]. Terrain is [B]gas clouds[/B]. Cloud City is the [B]capitol[/B] of Bespin and the center for the system's entertainment, government, trade, and crime. Cloud City was an outpost and a tibanna gas mining colony, named as such because it was perpetually surrounded by giant clouds. The city floated 60,000 kilometers above the core of the gas giant. It contained a large and famous luxury resort district on its upper levels, complete with hotels and casinos.[B]Major exports:[/B] tourism, Tibanna Gas, cloud cars. [B]Major imports:[/B] consumables, industrial goods. Cloud City was designed by an Alderaanian Architect and constructed by an entrepreneur Ecclessis Figg, who planned to conceal his illegal mining operations of Tibanna for blaster weapons with a veneer of legitimate business. To this end he touted his city as a luxury resort and coolant mining operation. Cloud City was nominally controlled in all aspects by the [B]Baron Administrator[/B], though the bureaucracy and administration was controlled by the city's business leaders, known as the Exex, who did not consider themselves subordinate to the Baron Administrator. Furthermore, the Parliament of Guilds was a distinct faction which, by ancient custom, controlled the juries in all the city's courts. [B]Lando Calrissian[/B] won administration of the city from Baron Administrator Dominic Raynor in a Sabacc tournament, and turned the city's "cover" into reality; tourism is one of Cloud Cities major industries. Under Calrissian's rule, Cloud City has risen in prosperity to remain as the undisputed capitol. For many there is no more romantic getaway than a week in the city in the clouds. The top fifty levels of the city house resorts, spas, casinos, shopping centers, theaters, theme parks, chapels--anything that pleases the heart and relaxes the mind. The cities mid-section consists of the facilities for [B]Bespin Motors[/B], and also [B]Port Town[/B], where the locals work and live. At the bottom levels near the main repulsor shaft, a dedicated work force of humans, Ugnaughts, and Lutrillians fly out in trawlers to scoop Tibanna from the atmosphere, then return to package the mined gas for export. Cloud City consisted of 392 levels, in addition to a top-side surface-level concourse. The level-arrangements were as follows: Level 1–50: Luxury hotels and casinos which made the city famous throughout parts of the Outer Rim. Level 51–100: Upscale housing areas. Level 101–120: Administrative offices. Level 121–160: Privately owned industrial areas with an infamous reputation, known as Port Town. Level 161–220: General housing of the facility's workers. Level 221–280: Factories. Level 281–370: Gas refineries and miners' quarters. Level 371–392: Contained the 36,000 repulsorlift engines and tractor beam generators that kept the city afloat and in position. [B]Port Town [/B]was an area of Cloud City that had an [B]infamous reputation[/B] for being the home of [B]smugglers, criminals, and outlaws. [/B]It covered [B]levels 121 through 160[/B] of the city and was filled with industrial-scale loading bays, as well as areas that were pretty cheap to rent due to their unattractive surroundings. Port Town was the [B]site of illegal trafficking and gambling rings[/B], which were difficult to shut down permanently, due to the [B]wide dispersion of gambling halls and cantinas[/B] throughout the industrial compounds. The [B]Bespin Wing Guard[/B], informally known as the [B]Bespin Security Guard, Cloud City Wing Guard, or Cloud Police[/B], whose members sometimes were called [B]Bespin Cops,[/B] was the primary security force of Cloud City on Bespin. The Wing Guard[B] comprised the largest segment of Cloud City Control[/B], and was placed under the command of the [B]Baron Administrator[/B] of Cloud City, the city's [B]central computer[/B], or the Administrator's cyborg aide [B]Lobot[/B]. The Security Guards operated out of the [B]Cloud City Security Tower. [/B]Wing Guards were [B]not simply security guards[/B] on Cloud City; [B]officers had a range of duties[/B], from police to [B]meteorologists, customs inspectors, and crisis controllers[/B]. A squadron of [B]"commando pilots"[/B] to help protect the city Wing Guards dressed in [B]dark blue uniforms with red and gold trim[/B] and had dark blue helmets. Most carried [B]silver Relby-k23 blaster pistols (light)[/B]. The elite Wing Guards (emergency response team) under Lobot wielded [B]A280 blaster rifles (heavy)[/B]. The [B]Security Tower[/B] was a tower in Cloud City on Bespin used as a [B]detention center[/B] by the Bespin Wing Guard. [B]Cloud City Control[/B] was the [B]primary law enforcement agency[/B] stationed in Cloud City on the planet of Bespin.[/hider]