[color=fff79a][b]“What you’re good at is making excuses while you help choke out any life you can, and nothing more.”[/b][/color] Anari was not flattered by his envy nor impressed with his justification for being with this “Un-Refrain”. He made no attempt to mask how desperate he was to leave. His eyes turned to the main entrance far too many times to be taking her, or this conversation, seriously. She reached out to him yet his hands stayed at his sides. She couldn’t help someone who thought better of her perspective, who thought their lives were perfectly situated. [color=fff79a][b]“Don’t be envious. Be better,”[/b][/color] she said firmly. She backed away towards the passage holding the liberated slaves. [color=fff79a][b]“Goodbye Blank. Continue to think only of yourself. It’s what you're best at.”[/b][/color] She turned her back on him and walked towards the rear exit, her eyes peering upward at radiant glass chandeliers suspended from the ceiling. Beautiful, luminous things; a shame they decorated a place filled for ugly practices. It was one of the few areas untouched by the guards convinced of the error of their ways. Before slipping out she stopped beside her exit and reached out with her left hand, placing invisible pressure against the surface that held them. Small fissures grew along the ceiling between the decorations, growing larger with each passing second. The ceiling slowly began groaning, until the weight of each chandelier became too much to bear. They each fell to the gambling floor, one after the other, filling the silence of the room with sounds of shattering glass. Anari turned and left, destroying the rear door console with the Force on her way out. She made her way back to the base on foot, deliberately taking the longest possible path to ponder the choices she made today.