[@BurningCold] These are all amazing questions! Thank you for them~ I will do my best to answer them and if you need any clarification I am just pleased as punch to do so. 1.) I was looking for The Wolf Among Us and was a bit confused. I then, after looking into it, realized that the game and the novels I was referencing were not connected. [url=http://fablehaven.wikia.com/wiki/Fablehaven_(series)]Fablehaven[/url] is a series of YA novels by Brandon Mull. This is only loosely based upon the novels so you don't need to know anything about the series in order to play! To answer your more specific questions - Some of the creatures there may have built cities or communes in the biomes. There may even be some creatures out in the outside world, but for the purposes of this RP, the characters all live within Lochpine. I want you as the players to have a lot of free reign as to how your characters live and so I am fine with just about anything. Though technology is going to be exceedingly difficult to get your hands on! 2.) Of course! I would only ask for proof (through PM, I don't want to embarrass anyone!!) if it were not something I recognized. This would be after doing my own research of course~ 3.) Great question! I apologize for not being more specific in this. Fairy ability will be up to the player for the most part. A lot of the time it may have to do with the specific biome they choose. Example of fey ability would be things like rejuvenating plants/talking to plants, speaking with animals, making sparks or perhaps their bodies light up like fireflies. If they were to choose human life the fairy who could rejuvenate plants would perhaps have an exceptionally green thumb. Or the firefly fairy would have a more dewy skin that caught and reflected light giving them a somewhat glowy appearance. The fairies may have multiple powers. 4.) Any and all, my friend. The Troll ([url=http://fablehaven.wikia.com/wiki/Nero]Nero[/url]) I reference here is from Fablehaven and has a somewhat lizardman like appearance. But I am pleased to allow other sorts of trolls of varying shapes, talents, and intelligence. I just wanted to give an example of something different in case a person needed an idea. The troll is not a required character. 5.) When I wrote this I just had western dragons in mind. However, I think if someone wants to do an eastern variant (or even South American) that would be just fine and would indeed fill that dragon slot. ----- Mostly I want you as the player to use your skills and imagination to come up with a character/creature that would be fun for you to play! Thank you again for your amazing questions. I will add some of these details above, just in case! [@ShwiggityShwah] I love the idea so far! I'm interested to see where he goes~