Ni worries. Loving the RP so far. Also a heads up. I am driving to an area where I am not 100% sure I'll have internet. If I see a post before I get there (about 18-20 hours from now), I'll try to copy it to offline and write up a response while I am there to post as soon as I get out of that area. Pretty sure I'll have internet, but wanted to say something just in case. To explain I drive an 18 wheeler these days. I use a mobile wifi hub. Still a few areas out there with no internet service. But this is why I had extra time to write for a couple days. I was doing store deliveries where I had 1-2 hours to sit while I was unloaded ... drive to next store ... and another 1-2 hours ... And it is also why I have no commute time to work. I drive OTR. I sleep in the truck. I go home 1-2 times a year.