[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=#cc33ff][center]Guinevere Stark[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://s22.postimg.cc/c9f7c4xn5/tumblr_n3hck7_QCAL1tsda0jo1_250.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr] [color=#cc33ff]"It was perfectly safe and that was five years ago or something!"[/color] Guin protested. She doubted Lance was ever going to let that one go. He didn't seem to realize how cool the blaster had been - and what a great challenge of engineering it had been for her to make it! Hardly any other twelve year olds knew how to make blasters. They didn't even know the difference between resistors in parallel or in series! They wouldn't be able to wire a circuit if their lives depended on it! If she ever had kids - and she really did [i]not[/i] plan on that ever happening - she would want them to have basic competency with at least one field of engineering before they started high school. Anything less and she'd be letting them down. Guin walked into the kitchen, just in time to hear her father going on about his ego. [color=#cc33ff]"Yeah, just doesn't have the same ring to it as [i]When Captain America throws his mighty shield...[/i] Though I guess - [i]When Iron Man flexes his huge ego...[/i] isn't too terrible,"[/color] she chimed in. Captain had been the world's first superhero and even though he was "dead" at the time, they had made a cartoon about him in the 90's. Guin still got the song stuck in her head occasionally. Whenever Steve was around, she made sure to play it when he entered the room. It was even set as his ringtone and as far as Guin knew, he hadn't figured out how to change it yet. Banner looked up as Lance came into the room, unable to not smile slightly. His eyes flickered towards his newspaper but then they went right back up to his son. He knew he ought to say something to Lance, but he wasn't really sure what to do. [color=8dc73f]"Hi, buddy....You sleep okay?"[/color] Banner asked softly, figuring it'd be better than his usual silence. Pepper, meanwhile, frowned a bit at Guin when she saw the rats' nest that was her sort-of stepdaughter's hair. [color=ed145b]"Guin, please take a comb to your hair or [i]something.[/i] You look like you were raised by Tony."[/color]