With the crowd watching the stage, having listened to the King, few noticed Ami standing by herself. Few save for the head Knight who watched from above as the Blight took away the Seer. [color=#FFFF53][i]Do not worry about Lovegood. She will be in good hands with me.[/i] [/color]The Knight held his head momentarily. An invader of his mind. Another Sol, and a royal. Nothing he could do but watch as the one who spoke emerged from the crowd to cast his shadow of Ami's. The form of this royal, his elegant attire hair and dress was increased by his height. Nearly five feet taller than Ami his elegant eyes looked down on her white hairs. Amused by her not noticing his presence. Her aura stifling his. [hider=Lucius Soli Almari] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/58/ea/8d/58ea8d58de6bd0a9bd3d509e6e70ee8c.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=#FFFF53]"You're showing."[/color] He let out. His glass of white champagne still sizzling at the top. He let the smell of it permeate into his nostrils as he watched Ami spin from his words whispering into her ear from behind. Clad in royal attire that was plated with fine golden armor. A blade at his waist. He was not a knight directly, one with his nobility wouldn't be wasted on the battle field. No he only climbed the ranks for his own amusement, a noble whose families heritage was long standing within these castle walls. His piercing eyes beheld Ami with low admiring eyes. In his other hand was a glass filled to the top and foaming. He presented it to her. Letting his two fingers, which were free of the gauntlet, hold the glass alone. [color=#FFFF53]"It does surprise me to see you out here. Enjoying yourself like a free bird while the ones who hold your chains remained distracted? Clever."[/color] He took another sip and looked at the stage and the people briefly. All seemed occupied and so he met eyes with Ami. Suddenly turning to meet her gaze. [color=#FFFF53]"Does this place not bore you? I don't mean this party. But the safety of the walls... It's so."[/color] He attempted to find the word. But merely let her do so. He knew she disliked her role as a royal. A defined role. A restricted one. Ever since they were young and her talents were discovered he had pined for her. But delicately. Now he sought to sow a seed, one that would make her his. One way or another. [@RumikoOhara] [hr] [color=#FBB917]"Hmm."[/color] The King contemplated on what Dremmick said. He took his time and thought about the past. His vast past was too great to recall one family. If not one that directly affected him. [color=#FBB917]"I am sorry. But I do not know about these incidents when you bring them up."[/color] He read Dremmick's emotions. He could tell he was doing this personally. Not for anyone but himself. The King nodded briefly. As if confirming something to himself. [color=#FBB917]"What you seek are answers. However I'm afraid the Seer cannot be spared today for any other tasks. I'm afraid what she will be doing will require more energy than she has mustered in a very long time."[/color] [color=#FBB917]"But the path to your answers can be brought to light. It happens that there is another seer in our midst. One that has come all the way from Nero. Please stay a while, rest in our many rooms. IF you need food or healing a servant will be only a bell ring away. Quite good they are at that."[/color] His smile was serene. He placed a hand on Dremmick's shoulder. His grasp was heavy and firm but it was not the physical feeling, but the spiritual that Dremmick could feel resonating from the King. He let go of the mans shoulder to let him step down. He then turned to the others. [color=#FBB917]"You may approach."[/color] [@Jollan] [@Jollan]