Oh wow, that is actually pretty cool. I mainly say this because my father used to drive semi-trucks for a living, and my older half-brother does it as well. I actually have a love for semi trucks, like how my little kid neighbor I used to babysit had an obsession for monster trucks. Some of my favorite pictures of me as a little kid were sitting in my dad's semi truck. Before I could ever start driving, my father made me "learn how to drive around semi trucks". It is scary some of the shit my father has had to do to avoid accidents from stupid drivers. And I commute 2 hours home ever few weekends, and I witness some of this shit. It is so frustrating. Ugh! I hate bad drivers. I've actually had in mind a trucker/run away RP story for a while. But I haven't fully hashed out the details I have in mind for it yet. I would say, it must be cool to travel a lot, but sucky you don't get to go home often. My dad ultimately quit and found a more local job due to having too man little ones at home. According to my mom I started asking 'Where is dad?' way too much for both their liking. Though I've always wanted to experience that work, since my father used to retell me stories of his days OTR.