Well, I have no family or I wouldn't have even become a trucker. And very much agreed about bad drivers. I ran the northeast US for 6 years straight and got sick of it. The company I am with now is based out of Minneapolis and runs mostly midwest. So it is just easier to take my time off up north. Already copied your post. About to roll out on a 10 hour drive. (Yes, I stop once to fuel, plus a 30 min mandatory break along the way. Not to be crude, but my eyeballs would be floating if I tried to drive straight through, LOL.) This load ends in Huntsville, AL. Pretty sure I have internet there, but wanted to say something just in case. I am trying to work Xavier up to telling Victoria he is from the future. That light thing he has also serves as a laser pointer, and can even manage a brief use as a holdout laser pistol. It's best use would be to effect a jail breakout. He will normally keep the thing inactive, to prevent someone from activating it by accident - even as a light.