At some point I believe one begins to learn so much that they begin to forget that they have learned at all. It is all there, very much so, but it is buried somewhere. While not often something that can be called on at whim as it is not accessed often, the context and scenario bring it out, [@Gunther]. That is generally my experience with it at this point. It is all there somewhere, wedged together and part of this larger puzzle, but ask of me to show all of what I know? The question then becomes, "What exactly do you [i]want[/i] to know?" because there is too much to divulge and some of it is seemingly lost to me until the circumstances make it possible to recall it top of mind. It is a bizarre phenomena, punctuated most when it comes to a situation where I believe I am aware of the answer yet remain seemingly uncertain of it because it seems distant. It could well be a mirage of the mind, though consistently that is rare.