[h2]Dirk Messir - Space Marines, of the Sea[/h2] 'Maybe they're pretending to be submariners to get the profit of food and that things,' Dirk offered, still swiping things right up until the door re-opened and they hit the enemies with their full by which he meant the enemies yelled angry words at them and said "no, you're not allowed to be in here, you need to DIE". Then Squanch had a fight with them. He was doing fine on his own. Yes, Dirk could answer the snail instead. [i]Pft. You moron. You'll expose the crew's presence here.[/i] 'Fine, I'll do that,' he said into the telesnail on the hand, formerly on the table, and had a head tilt that also he used a second hand with to cover the snail and stop noise getting it clogged with noise wreckage, which would be the wooooorst thing. 'Mosh pit mosh pit, this is a marine solidear speaking. What?' he asked, wanting to know what the married captain wanted.