[center] [h1][b]B L A D E S O F T H E S H O G U N [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/5e/d0/32/5ed0320ed2d5a083f13a35acd5c85c78.jpg[/img] T H E I S L A N D O F S C R E A M S[/b][/h1][/center] [indent][i]The old fish was a hermit of truth but nobody listened to his advice. Schools of fish would laugh and make fun of his every word, even when he warned them about the eel hiding in the reefs. One by one, the eel lured each fish into his cave and ate them whole! The old fish tried to warn them but nobody listened, so the eel continued eating them until all that was left was the old fish. Luckily, the eel was too slow to catch the old fish, its belly big and round from having eaten everyone else. So the old fish managed to escape, but the eel would find him again. Just like before, among schools of fish too stubborn to listen to his sage advice...[/i][/indent] [CENTER][H2]T H E S T O R Y[/H2][/CENTER] [indent] The fantastical land of Kujin is united under the Shogunate rule of Uesugi Mitsuhide. Great and Minor clans fought against each other for centuries, but the wise and powerful Lotus clan rallied against all, winning favoritism with The Blade Emperor and his royal court. This autumn marks the 5th year under Mitsuhide's rule. Peace is a fickle word but nothing else can best describe these prosperous years under Lotus Shogun rule. Bellies are filled from bountiful harvests, infrastructures are reinforced and built anew, and the economy thrives as trade is freely dispersed throughout a border less land. However, rumors are spreading about the mysterious silence of Ezo Island, as well as the disappearance of one of The Blade Emperor's concubines, a native to those lands. While lantern festivals of joy and prosperity ignite the nation, Mitsuhide summons Kujin's best warriors in secret to discuss these pressing matters...[/indent] [CENTER][H2]T H E H I S T O R Y[/H2][/CENTER] [indent][b]The Blade Emperor[/b] was once a wise and venerable warrior, known for keeping the evil foreigners at bay with a thousand ships. While he succeeded in keeping outsiders from coming in, he failed to prevent the real battles from being fought on our own native soil. [b]The Great Clans[/b] composed of three massive factions: [b]The Lotus, The Asagao (Morning Glory), and The Tsubaki (Camilla)[/b]. Originally, these three clans were subsidies of The Blade Emperor's royal family, and with his efforts occupied with Kujin's invaders, many questioned whether he was fit to rule. In an effort to maintain tradition and reduce public abdication, The Emperor and his royal court were reduced to surface-level figureheads. Surprisingly enough, The Blade Emperor conceded with this rule. In his book, [i]The Golden Truths[/i], he prophesied the divisive conflict fast approaching the nation, wanting no part in "taming a restless wave meant for destruction". With The Blade Emperor and his court out of the way, the Great Clans quickly moved in. A century's worth of conflict would soon follow, dragging Kujin into hell and back. The death of the Blade Emperor was a turning point during these warring times. The Lotus clan, though small in size compared to the other two, were huge supporters of the Emperor. This did not go unnoticed when his successor took over. It was rumored that the new Blade Emperor used his influence to rally the smaller clans under The Lotus banner. This strategically held Asagao and Tsubaki in disadvantageous positions, as these smaller clans bottle necked their main armies and overran their supply routes. Asagao eventually surrendered, negotiating a truce with The Lotus, leaving Tsubaki to fend for itself. After a series of failed coups and assassinations against the new Blade Emperor and the Lotus Daimyo Uesugi Mitsuhide, the Tsubaki surrendered. All who actively committed dissension performed Harikari or were publicly executed. Gone were the tides of civil war. In its place stood Shogun Uesugi Mitsuhide, who would usher in a path to reignite Kujin as a powerful nation.[/indent] [CENTER][H2]T H E L O R E[/H2][/CENTER] [center][hider=The Blade Emperor][center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/d1/e5/95/d1e595b4626a1cfb4c187ca96c26ca9c.jpg[/img][/center] One man ruled Kujin with the Firefly Sword, a crowning symbol of leadership earned after dueling every Clan leader that defied his might. His original name is lost in translation. Much like his current successor, his former identity is void to the mantle of The Blade Emperor. Some say the sword fell from the sky, others claim it was smithed by the deities of Kujin. In its possession the Blade Emperor managed to live up to one hundred and fifty-five years. Official documents state that the former Blade Emperor's death was due to natural causes, but rumor has it that his successor bested him in combat. The current Blade Emperor keeps himself isolated on top of the Emperor's Mountain. He rarely makes appearances and usually sends members of his royal court to do his bidding. [/hider] [hider=The Clans of Kujin] [u][b]Lotus[/b][/u] territory takes up the northern territories and surround the [b]Emperor's mountain[/b]. [b]Naoya[/b] is the capital city, a densely populated area and by far the largest city in Kujin. With their title ship ascending under Shogunate rule, the Lotus are considered to be the main hand of the government with many outposts located throughout Kujin.[b]Shogun Uesugi Mitsuhide[/b] is a well-respected man, some say even more so than the former Blade Emperor. His leadership is one of logic and dignity, holding everyone (including himself) accountable to uphold our nation to a higher standard. [u][b]Asagao[/b][/u] keeps the entire southern territories, namely Kujin's coastlines, in check. They safeguard the richest farmlands and monitor the bustling fisheries and trading posts under Lotus supervision. [b]Daimyo Asahina Hantei[/b] is known as a shrewd, no-nonsense dignitary, who is constantly butting heads with the Lotus establishment. [u][b]Tsubaki[/b][/u] takes on the more delicate task of policing the outer island establishments. There is a total of over 30 islands, most of which are uninhabited or serve as trading outposts and lookouts. Under the governance of The Lotus Navy Admirals, the Tsubaki also patrol the seas for pirates and potential invaders. [u][b]Minor Clans[/b][/u] Some of these smaller factions existed long before the Great Clans ever took place. They range from nomadic warrior tribes to subservient vassals of the Great Three. Over 20 of these minor clans were active during the war. Since the Shogun's ascension, the number has dwindled down to 10, as they were either killed off in battle or consolidated through marriage to preserve their family lines.[/hider] [hider=The Magic] Its existence has been known in Kujin since the dawn of time. Magic is willed through the elemental properties of all things around us, but we as humans cannot create it from thin air. Constructs made from enchanted materials can be used to do a many great things. Boots that can lift you into the sky, a sword that casts fire from its razor edge, and even a talisman that summons a protective barrier, are just a few examples of what can be realized into existence. Construction of these items requires both a seasoned smith and a magic artificer. Very rare will you find someone who is both. Their upkeep is just as much a delicate process as their creation, and many items require a recharge time before secondary use. These rarefied trinkets are exclusive to a select few, usually given as reward for an honorable deed or happened upon by mere coincidence. Whatever the case might be, the user must exercise extreme caution lest they face severe repercussions for irresponsible usage. [/hider][/center] [CENTER][H2]T H E C L A S S E S[/H2][/CENTER] [center][HIDER=Samurai][u][b]Samurai[/b][/u] are the swordsman of Kujin. Many fabled legends are samurai, most of which are depicted fighting off evil demons and creatures of the night. The former Blade Emperor is considered the first true samurai. His book, The Golden Truth, lists the endless virtues he lived by until his dying breath. Most of these ideas have become widely romanticized or edited to fit a clan's particular code. While their utility as soldiers is a common staple in Kujin, the samurai concept of being a free thinking spirit is less appreciated, especially among The Great Clans. Several Minor clans are known for preserving the traditional identity as Samurai, but the warrior culture of old is heavily scrutinized since Shogun Mitsuhide rose to power. [b]Strengths:[/b] Close quarters combat against multiple enemies [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Long range combat[/hider] [hider=Archers][u][b]Archers[/b][/u] are considered equals to Samurai in terms of public status, especially among the Asagao clan who are known for being elite marksmen. They take a more logistical approach to virtue, adopting tenants of calmness and meditation. [b]Strengths[/b]: Long range combat, scouting, hunting [b]Weakness[/b]: Hand-to-hand and close quarters combat[/hider] [hider=Ninja][u][b]Ninja[/b][/u] are frowned upon in Kujin society. Their training schools are closed off to the public at undisclosed locations. Families rumored to have direct association with ninja are not respected. Because of this, their affiliations are kept secret to avoid dishonor. Despite the public's negative perception of them, ninja are necessary agents that operate in shadow or plain sight. [b]Strengths[/b]: Stealth, Close quarter/Mid range combat, and Trap setting/springing [b]Weakness[/b]: Multiple close quarter encounters, close quarter encounters vs heavily armed opponents[/hider] [hider=Monk][u][b]Monks[/b][/u] are revered figures of Kujin society. They are known to be magic artificers who can repair and properly clean enchanted items. Most of their equipment is geared toward healing, often serving as field medics or village doctors. They are given limited combat training, mainly focusing on defensive techniques and neutralizing attackers so they can flee from battle. [b]Strengths:[/b] Healing, repairing enchanted items, and defensive wards [b]Weaknesses[/b]: Long range combat encounters and seasoned weapon users.[/hider][/center]