[hr][hr][center][img]https://s2.postimg.cc/9u4ekd45l/darke.png[/img][hr][img]https://s13.postimg.cc/bqokv8vef/ezgif-2-aec9dbc0b0.gif[/img][hr][@Nallore][@BlueSky44][@FantasyChic][@mnkee][@LadyRunic][@Dragoknighte][@KazAlkemi][/center][hr][hr][center][h3][color=10A133][b]Present Day - The Castle: December 21st, 12,507 - 1:00 PM [/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr] Rowland didn't hesitate to nod in affirmation to Cuyler's question. "Yes, I fear that it must be...I have no doubt that all of these events are connected, like a spider weaving a web that may ensnare the Castle in its entirely," he said in a low voice. He didn't want any of the panicked citizens around him to overhear and assume that it was the end of the world. Of course, Rowland would have been lying if he claimed to not believe that the Castle was in grave danger. It may have been the longest night of the year, yet Rowland felt certain that there was only more [b]Darkenesse[/b] to come. [b]Darke Magyk[/b] was swirling around them - or perhaps something new entirely - he was sure of it. Puck gave his Deputy Hunter a bit of a devilish grin, appreciating the view as she walked up towards them. While he had every intention to make Valda his wife, he didn't wish to consummate their marriage. No, if he were to have a woman, he would want one grown and touched with madness. Such was the Deputy Hunter - Amarantha - Girl 526 as he still thought of her on occasion. He then caught his sister's eye, seeing Jadis smirk with satisfaction as Malekith was called forward. "Well, this is indeed a fortunate turn of events, my Queen," Puck commented. "We needed the head of a Port Witch - and here we have a volunteer!" Asha the [b]Magykal[/b] ignored the comments of politics, staring at Malekith with concentration as the [b]Magykal[/b] energy continued to swirl around her. [color=#9B30FF]"Please, allow me to assist you,"[/color] Arya said calmly. Asha nodded. [b]MindReading[/b] was ExtraOrdinary level [b]Magyk[/b] and Arya joined hands with her, the two of them chanting softly [b][i]"Between the spells within our power, Give us one Harmonious Hour."[/i][/b] The energy coming from both of them gave the air a purple shimmer, with Arya's amulet glowing softly just as Asha's did. Eventually, Asha's eyes widened with horror and Arya's lips curled with displeasure, as they ended the spell. [color=#9B30FF]"He is not the one responsible for the abduction of Princess Luna..."[/color] Arya said softly. "But he has committed many grave crimes against humanity - murder and torture of innocents," Asha added, her voice with a slight accent to it. Seeing such [b]Darkenesse[/b] in Malekith's mind had shaken her. Asha took a moment to calm herself and Arya put a hand on her back, having felt the same trauma and pain radiating throughout the Warlock's thoughts. Of course, it was directed towards others. They had just glimpsed into the mind of a monster. "If he really is such a despicable man, then he should be executed," Puck urged. Jadis nodded in agreement. "The Port Witch Coven will always be at our throats, sweet Valda. He may not have abducted Princess Luna, yet I am certain that their Coven intends to [b]CradleSnatch[/b] your sister...His death will be a clear message that that cannot be tolerated." Emperor Taj rose from where he was sitting and went over to her sister, seeing the look of distress on Asha's face. Peter Wylie came to join them as well. He had noticed what Puck had - that Malekith would serve the purposes of pacifying the Empress Astris for the death of her sister. It didn't matter that it had been in self-defense. And as he stared at Malekith, he couldn't help but imagine that no one would miss such a man if he were to die in atonement for a crime he did not commit. "He will work, my Queen," Wylie said to Valda softly, nodding at Malekith. [color=ff0000]"...What's happening to me..."[/color] Myrus whispered, sitting alone as he stared at his hands. It might have been the glint of the sun against his eyes, but they did not appear to be their normal shade anymore. They were almost tinted crimson. He held his hands his head and took deep breaths. It had to have been too much for him, the stress of losing his mother and now his sister being kidnapped. While he liked Valda, he had grown up with Luna. He doubted his mother would choose to [b]Appear[/b] to him, but after they got Luna back, he had every intention of seeking out his mother's ghost. He knew where she would be - the Queen's Room, where she had to wait for a Year and a Day. [color=7bcdc8]"Besides the Royal Family?"[/color] Nera asked, looking at Rhys quizzically. She had met him quite some time ago, although she had gone by a different name back then. Hardly anyone connected her with that name anymore. Rhys wouldn't be able to recognize Nera as being another one of the Hopefuls to be apprenticed to the ExtraOrdinary Wizard - although she would appear familiar. Marya and Medea rolled their eyes at the mention of using a secret door. Sure, the idea of a secret door was amusing to them - but it wasn't like escaping from this place was going to be particularly hard. They had gone to and from the Port in less than a second. [color=7bcdc8]"Of course, it is up to you,"[/color] Nera said graciously to Fleur. [color=7bcdc8]"We can ask the twins to get us home, though their abilities may cause some distraction in fleeing this mob...Or I can attempt to use [b]Concilium[/b] on the Prince and have him escort us through the passageway that this gentleman has suggested."[/color]