[center][h1][color=cyan]Princess Luna[/color][/h1] [img]http://mysterioussecrets.weebly.com/uploads/1/2/3/5/12350422/5261865_orig.gif[/img] [i]Location: Malekeith's Room, Port Witch Coven[/I][/center] [hr][hr] [color=magenta]"They only want to use you for your blood.."[/color] Luna quickly turned around the moment she had heard a woman's voice, she didn't Luna didn't see anyone at all. She felt very alone and very creeped out, and she was also very terrified at what was going to happen to her. [color=cyan]"Who's there?!"[/color] Luna yelled out pointing the knife out at just the air around her, she was disoriented and confused was she actually going crazy now? Luna slowly walked over towards the nearby bed and sat down, she was trapped alone in a room and no one had even opened it up for her. [color=magenta]"They will kill you the moment you are not useful to them.."[/color] the woman's voice said once more. Luna quickly backed away and hid herself in the corner of the room, bringing her knees up to her chest the thought of her dying alone in a place like this she was scared, and felt truly alone now at this point. Her thoughts would quickly go back to Myrus, she and him were very close and Luna felt helpless. [color=magenta]"They will kill Valda, so that you can take your rightful place on the throne.."[/color] Luna started to tear up, she didn't want anything to happen to her sister either. Even though they had just met not to long ago and the throne by right would have been hers if Valda hadn't been found. [color=cyan]"Shut up!"[/color] Luna suddenly yelled as she threw the knife across the room, aimed at the door as the blade of the knife embeded itself into the wall next to the door, her aim a bit off. She wanted to get out of this place as soon as possible, she wasn't sure who the voice was. Luna just wanted to forge everything that had happened today and just wished that it was just a very horrible dream.