The group of Gunners looked up at the wall in bewilderment. Never had any of them imagined it would be that big or imposing. Monika had passed Necropolis on her and Marius' treck East and she had of course heard the rumours, everyone had. She said to herself then that she wanted to stay as far away as possible. Never in her life did she think she'd come back, especially voluntarily. With one last kiss from her husband that felt like it was over before it even began and an embrace from the other few who volunteered to escort her. She turned and descended the stair case lighting a cigarette on the way down to help calm her nerves. She descended into the tunnel. Around her were people conversing and drinking. But most sat on their own, most likely knowing what lay ahead. She went to find somewhere to sit, choosing a corner, where hopefully no one would bother her. In that room full of insincere people with insincere smiles. Of course she knew why they wore them but they made her uncomfortable non the less. Looking for something to take her mind off of what was about to come she took her rifle out and began cleaning it. Noticing other mercs sat around the room each of them as alone as the other. One that caught her eye was a girl lying on a bench singing along to the radio in what seemed to be similar combat armour to her but hers wasn't weary from a few centuries of ware and tear. It looked well looked after and cleaned. The man built like a tank and wearing what appeared to be most of one was the most imposing figure she could see. He reminded her of the Legion camp leader that took her as a trophy all those years ago. A half smile came across her mouth when she remembered that he was most definitely dead and was dead by her hands. Holding her locket in her hand and fiddling with the wedding ring on her finger. She thought to herself she already missed her family, trying to hold back a single tear when she was interrupted by the heavy foot steps of power armour. She noticed the girl on the bench immediately go on edge which also set her alarms off. Grabbing the grip of her rifle and putting the locket away she waited to see what would happen. Seeing the girl on the bench relax again when the two power armoured BoS members entered the room. She could tell from forced body language alone that this was not going to be an enjoyable trip. She regained her composure after the female BoS mentioned "him". Monika was in no way a genius but she knew who the Paladin was referring too. Leaning back and taking a final puff of her cigarette she went back to quietly cleaning her gun and checking over her equipment. [colour=limegreen]"Just like any other OP"[/colour] she muttered to herself. [colour=limegreen] "just like any other OP" [/colour]