Gloopra looked behind as he heard the door explode "Karabast!" He grunted, before watching Kale take out one of the Droideka's, despite his worries that such a weakness might have been patched "I take back everything I said, thank you, Master." He nodded. They then headed out into the hallway and began to run towards where Fufuro said the bridge was. Lahana and Kale performed a daring maneuver that froze several of the Droideka's. "Alright, we'll make him call off the droids." He grunted as the pair set off at another run. He only had his green lightsaber ignited. As they reached the door, Gloopra prepared to cut through the door, but Fufuro had the quicker approach. "I do have th-" he began, waggling the lightsaber, before Fufuro pressed the button on the grenade "Never mind." The door was blown clean off, before they saw Blaze jump through a hole in the floor, Gloopra's hand instinctively shot out and Blaze found himself caught within the invisible tendrils of the force. "Remember when I said you'd regret this?" He asked, pulling the man towards him, until Gloopra's green fingers closed around his throat, the tip of the green lightsaber was held to the man's face, inches in front of his nose. "Deactivate the droids, or I will kill you and then figure out how to do it myself." He hissed.