[h2]Elizabeth[/h2] "I don't think that the lack of, erm... plot on one's legend matters that much," Elizabeth said, regarding Caster's comment about Saber's figure while trying to not make the King of Knights feel too bad about the cold truth. "Being cute is what matters above all else, right? Wha—!" she added before almost jumping out of her scales as Nero employed another low blow against the poor dragon girl. "Do—don't do this kind of thing without telling me first, you Dumb Emperor! Are you trying to send me back to the Throne with a jump scare or something like this?" Elizabeth said in an indignant voice, despite the fact that she didn't really try to free herself from Caster's grip. "Though, I suppose that if you are feeling cold, I could share a bit of my Idol's warmth with you." "Anyway, what are we going to get from this place? Since it was Saber's suggestion I suppose she should be the one to decide, right?" The draconic Lancer said as the three of them walked through the market, peering at a number of stands. "By the way, you two don't think that we have time for a snack or two along the way back, do you?" she added while turning a narrowed eye look towards a group of, seemingly, street urchins that were curiously observing them from behind the corner of a nearby building. [hr]