Blurb: Over 100 million years ago, the gods begun an age old clash over the dominance of the Earth. To prevent further destruction and carnage, the plan to wipe the slate clean 65 million years ago was devised by all the gods as a ceasefire. This placed all the gods in stasis for an indefinite amount of time. Many years later would pass and the gods of old would be forgotten until another catastrophe would occur. 2012 would begin a chain of events that would not just span over several years, but also trigger the awakening of the gods. Primordial Fury would be revived. Civilization fell and the divine continued war. The Virtuous Gods and the Vile Gods would fight once again. TLDR: Jurassic Park meets Mortal Kombat meets Cthulhu Mythos Character sheet template is below if you need it. Name: Affiliation (Virtuous Gods or Vile Gods): Appearance: Domain (What does your god do?): Personality (to help tailor match-ups if needed and for creating your ending if victorious): Stats: 17 points to allocate, 1-5 Strength--- Speed--- Attack--- Magic--- Endurance--- Special moves: 3 min. and 7 max. Default move (IE free move I can provide you if you cannot think of at least three): Siphon/Eat---recharge health by siphoning prayers or eating your worshipers. Good favors the former and Evil favors the latter. Can be done every two moves. Typically between 15-20% recharge. Strength represents how damaging your physical attacks can be. Speed represents your physical agility to dodge attacks. Magic represents special move effectiveness. Attack represents physical attack effectiveness. Endurance represents your ability to take hits. Dice rolls will decide from up to 18 on each roll with modifiers.