[@Renny] My idea for the tomorrow-timeskip simply boils down to this: During the night Adam posted a video that pretty much went viral. In it he calls King out. He accuses him of being a coward who hides behind internet anonymity and being too afraid to actually show his face. Adam even goes as far as removing his own mask, letting all of GBN see the face of the person who would dare do this. Then he does something else. He accuses King's Gunpla of not even being his own. That it's just a blatantly overpowered machine that GBN provided him. He accuses King of being a fake, a false hero, one who has only reached his rank because it was handed to him on a silver platter by the admins, and not because he actually earned it for real. He ends by telling King that he is welcome to prove him wrong, and then the video cuts off.