Something tiny and prickly scurried across Daelin's nose. Despite somehow having slept through the yelling and arguing between the guest of their caravan and its members this little purple bug had stirred him. Daelin swatted away from his nose as it floated across the room. He sniffled as he lurched back up and rubbed at his bleary eyes. "Hey Captain! Why are we letting these things in? They're nothin' but bad luck." He complained. These violet dragonflies were seldom seen but from what he'd heard they meant something bad was coming. Kind of like the volcanic firebugs that floated around an impact area days before an earthquake or an eruption. Rare but consistent little buggers. Daelin lurched over the side of his bunk, dangling his legs and yawning. "Might as well get up." He muttered, popping down on to the floor. He moved toward the rations to grab a snack and paused. Perhaps it was the dragon flies that were humming around the caravan or the night air moving in but something was making the hair on his neck stand on end. He didn't know what it was but he'd learned to be paranoid when his instincts told his something was wrong. Sometimes he was wrong, but he would rather be wrong than dead. Daelin had survived years of this for a reason. He grabbed himself a piece of jerky regardless, placing it in his mouth and half-chewing it as it stuck out the side. The crossbow he had used against the maw hounds earlier was nestled against some of their heavily secured supply crates. Daelin picked it up and pulled a few bolts out of the same crate he'd used earlier. He took them to the front of the caravan and looked out into the dark night over Marilyn's shoulder. Daelin started trying to say something that came out as more of a garbled yawn before he actually said it. "Notice anything off? Something's bugging me." He prodded a pair flies from his shoulder and continued. "An' it ain't just these flies. Nothing in this blasted place does something without a reason. These dragon flies have an agenda. I think they know something we don't." He concluded.