Cielle had absolutely no idea what Kai was saying, though she just assumed that there was no kingdom where he came from. It wasn't unusual; there were plenty of worlds that had abandoned the ways of royalty, or hadn't developed to that point. Anna and Elsa listened politely, though it was obvious that Anna was the more expressive of the two, showing more curiosity than the reserved Elsa. Cielle had nothing to say on the matter, though she did clear her throat slightly as Kai finished. Best not to say anything that would require too much questioning, and she could tell Anna certainly had a few questions to ask. Instead, Cielle took the lead. "[color=deepskyblue]Has anything unusual happened around here?[/color]" She decided to ask, thinking that it was as good a place to start as any. "None that I've been informed of," Elsa replied. That was an odd answer. Seeing Cielle's confusion, Anna elaborated, "This is the first time in a long time that we've opened the gates to everyone. But if anything like that happened, I'm sure they would have told us!" "[color=deepskyblue]Forgive my asking, but...opened the gates? As in, they had been closed?[/color]" Cielle was a little confused, her hand to her chin as she thought. For just a moment, Anna looked at Elsa, the slightest bit of sadness in her eyes, though she perked up immediately. "Yeah, you know...I don't really know why, I just went along with it," She admitted. "But that's okay, they're open now and they can stay that way, right, Elsa?" The blonde hesitated. "...if only, but it can't stay this way," She admitted. "Wh-why not?" Anna asked, touching her sister's hand. To everyone's surprise, Elsa quickly jerked away from her, though recompsed herself shortly afterwards. "It just can't." The statement seemed to make Anna upset, the younger girl shaking her head at her sister. "If you'll excuse me..." She said to the three, choosing to take her leave. Watching Anna disappear into the crowd, Cielle felt there was something else going on that she wasn't aware of. But if she pushed it too hard, she felt that it could upset Elsa further. What happened? Anna was clearly the more sociable, but if Cielle didn't know better, she would think that the two had been isolated from people for a long time--and from one another. But why? Did it have to do with Cielle's hunch where their parents were gone? No, there had to be more to it. Whatever had happened was the result of [i]years[/i]. Fearing that either she or Kai would make it worse, she would take Kai by his arm. "[color=deepskyblue]We've taken enough of your time, if you'll excuse us, Your Majesty,[/color]" Cielle bowed once more, and without waiting for Kai to say anything, dragged him away. Once she thought they were out of earshot, she shook her head. "[color=deepskyblue]Something unusual has happened, alright, but I can't say it's Darkness or Heartless related.[/color]"