Eris stood by the doorway in a nicely pressed, muave dress with with a little shawl to match Their mother's. They're arms crossed, they impatiently tapped their foot, trying desperately not to lose their temper at the incessant circus that was their parents married life. "All I'm saying, Richard, is that Mauve is not a red color. The event is strictly for red and black only, and that is not at all the proper color." Their mother said sharply, pointing to Eris by the door. She didn't seem to notice the slight scowl forming on their face. Their father sighed, and did that signature eye roll that he's known to give to only the worst in his life. "It's just a damn dress. Besides, Eris is perfect the way she is-" he began. [Color=mediumspringgreen]"They."[/color] Eris said. Their father groaned louder this time. "Whatever. They, them, it. You're in a damn dress, what difference does it make?" He exclaimed. He turned to his wife."No one is gonna notice our clothing, you're just paranoid." Their mother threw her hands up in defeat. "There is no arguing with you over simple things. For once I'd like it if you took me seriously, just once. Is that so hard to ask?" She asked. Their father pushed past her, angrily. "Hey, where do you thank you're going?" She demanded. "To the limo outside. It's been waiting for hours now because you've been bitching about shades of red." He said. He stormed out past Eris, and onto the front porch, all the way to the gate where the limo was parked and waiting. They had no chauffeur this time, so the Goodoires would have to make do. Eris' mother gave them a disgusted look. "Lets go, he'll probably be waiting for us if we stay here longer. And next time, just keep quiet about the they/them thing. You know it upsets him when you do that." She said. She grabbed Eris' arm rather roughly, and pulled them out the door. Eris silently cursed her in their head, they could feel a bruise forming where their mother held their arm. ...... The Goodoires arrived at the Newberry, Georgia Social Gala at around 7:00 pm. It was held in a special ballroom, inside the Atlanta Newberry Opera house. It was getting rather dark when they had finished giving out introductions to the other wealthy families of Atlanta. The Newberry Social as they call it, was an event held by only the richest in Georgia. You had to have a special invitation from Aeris Righspool herself, and to get in you needed to pay a 1000 dollar fee, something that would supposedly cover future events thrown by Righspool herself. Eris had never met Aeris Righspool before, and they would not meet her tonight. Tonight, they would meet their only friend in the world. Charlton Gaslowe was a Butler, but more importantly he was Eris' butler, and also the only person they trusted at all. Charlton stood by the punch and wine bowls, conspicuously put right next to each other, and when he saw Eris he greeted them accordingly. "Master Goodoire, its good to see you back at the Opera house." He looked around. "How are your parents finding the accommodations tonight?" He asked. Eris shrugged. [Color=mediumspringgreen]"The bitch is drunk off her ass, and the old man keeps trying to grab Emily Gerards tits, so I guess you can say it's going well."[/color] They said. [Color=mediumspringgreen]"I just wish they wouldn't waste so much time bickering."[/color] Charlton sighed. "I'm sorry to hear that, Miss Gooddoire. Hopefully they'll learn to better themselves." He said. Eris reached for the punch spoon, but Charlton made a noncommittal grunt. "I wouldn't touch any of the drinks tonight. I saw Henry Abernstein pour something in it a while ago." Eris smirked. [Color=mediumspringgreen]"He did it front of you?"[/color] They asked. [Color=mediumspringgreen]"Thats ballsy."[/color] "On the contrary, sir." Charlton patted his breast pocket. "I believe his friend Benjamin gave me quite the excuse for such behaviour tonight. I feel I have to take the man out for a drink or two after this event." Eris laughed. [Color=mediumspringgreen]"Well, now Charlton.[/color] [color=mediumspringgreen]I didn't take you for a drinker.[/color] [color=mediumspringgreen]You always seemed like a soda man to me."[/color] They said. [Color=mediumspringgreen]"But aside from all that, anyone new here tonight?[/color] [color=mediumspringgreen]I'm tired of having to reintroduce myself to the same schmucks every year.[/color] [color=mediumspringgreen]And I heard there's a doctor, but there's always a doctor."[/color] Charlton nodded his head in the direction of the dance floor where group's of people milled about in a lazy fashion in beautifully tailored attire. "Over there is Mindy Diasco. She's the doctor you've been hearing about." He said. Eris looked closer at the tight knit group, but they only saw one girl among the three men. [Color=mediumspringgreen]"All I see is a girl and three dudes.[/color] [color=mediumspringgreen]You're telling me one of those old guys is named Mindy?"[/color] They asked, chuckling. Charlton laughed along with them. "Yes, Miss Diasco is not what you would expect a doctor to look like. Partly because she's only 16." He said. He smirked at the astounded look on Eris' face. [Color=mediumspringgreen]"Holy shit, its like Dougie Howser, but with a chick."[/color] They said. [Color=mediumspringgreen]"She's even hot like Neil Patrick Harris was when he was a kid."[/Color] "You thought Neil Patrick Harris was hot when he was playing Dougie?" Asked Charlton confused. Eris ignored him. [Color=mediumspringgreen]"Ugh."[/color] They groaned. [Color=Mediumspringgreen]"She's surrounded by dudes.[/color] [color=mediumspringgreen]I stand no chance if she's straight."[/color] "You stand no chance at all if you keep gawking at her like that, Miss." Charlton said. "Perhaps I could go up to her, and-" Eris put their hand on the wall, stopping Charlton in his tracks. [Color=mediumspringgreen]"Nope.[/color] [Color=mediumspringgreen]stay right here.[/color] [color=mediumspringgreen]While you're right about the whole gawking at her thing, my chances will absolutely be shot to hell if I send my Grandpa to ask her out."[/color] They said. [Color=Mediumspringgreen]"I'll just go up and do it.[/color] [color=mediumspringgreen]Check for The Newlyweds while I'm gone, I don't want them embarrassing me."[/color] Charlton nodded, then hesitated. "By Newlyweds, you mean your parents correct?" He asked. But Eris was already gone, halfway across the room to greet Mindy Diasco. ...... Final notes: when Charlton pats his breast pocket, he is not actually referring to a man named Benjamin, but rather the 100$ bill in America which showcases Benjamin Franklin on the front.