[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Z4tbhP3.png[/img] [color=FireBrick][h3]Captain Piper[/h3][/color] [color=FireBrick]Level[/color]: 2 [color=FireBrick]day/time[/color]: day 3 - night [color=FireBrick]Location[/color]: Skyrim-Stormcloak Camp [color=FireBrick]Word count[/color]: 355 [color=FireBrick]Interacting with[/color]: [@Lugubrious] [/center] Pipers first thought when she saw Azura was that she had gotten the same idea as she had, to spirit away up the mountain in the dark. She’d thought about it herself but ultimately decided against it, which had turned out to be a doubly good idea as it turned out her theory about who the graybears where calling had been correct, though she wondered why they had only now decided to speak to Azura directly. She theorised that it might harder to target a specific person with whatever the greybeards where using to project their voices than it was to simply shout at 11 volume. [color=FireBrick]Your a good judge of character it seems, coz your right, I ain't going to stop you. I imagine these bearded fellows ll only get more insistent the longer their calls go unanswered anyway, so this is, I suspect, for the best. As for going with you, I think it might be wise of you to take a sneaking approach for this trip, something I aint suited for.[/color] Why was rather clear, the robot’s furnace bathing her and everything around her in a warm orange glow. Out in the dark woods she would stick out like a sore thumb, rendering the singer’s camo cloak worthless and spoiling spoiling both their night vision. Any half wit could spot the pair a mile off while they would be unable to see anything beyond their little island of light in the inky blackness. [color=FireBrick]Still. It's is dangerous to go alone,[/color] Piper unbuckled the belt and holster carrying her carrion pistol and presented it to the spear wielding woman [color=FireBrick]take this. It might help get you out of a sticky situation, just be aware that it’s a noisy bugger. I’ll be wanting it back later, so be sure to get back safe and sound. It’s the least you can do to repay me for the amount of flack I’m going to get for this from our resident asshat[/color] she softly chuckled at the thought of the boss blowing his top when she told him Azura was gone. [color=FireBrick]Anyway. Good luck Azura. I’ll see you soon, and maybe hear you sooner if I’m right about our greybeard friends.[/color] [center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/YKgqBSS.png[/img] [color=4BE2A3][h3]Naija[/h3][/color] [color=4BE2A3] level[/color]: 5 [color=4BE2A3]day/time[/color]: day 3 [color=4BE2A3]Location[/color]: Tetris Castle [color=4BE2A3]Interacting with[/color]: [@Holy Soldier] [/center] After the small pink creature ran off Naija was left with the agonising wait for them to return with help. It was just her, rosalina, her little starfish companions and the barely holding on Guile all trapped there by the unhealable wound. After what felt like an eternity kirby returned leading someone who was not Dr Solus but one of the other scientists. In hindsight finding someone unhurt was a better idea than the one she had had. She was glad Dr Solus was getting help. What followed was a discussion containing far to many words she did not understand until she was asked to help move Guile to something called a rejuvenation chamber. Naija could at least guess what that did. There was only one slight problem with all this and that was that her hopping did not mix well with helping transport wounded people. [color=4BE2A3]I. Hmm. let me just[/color] she muttered as she rapidly tried to solve this puzzle. [color=4BE2A3]Ok. You carry one side and I’ll carry the other[/color] She moved to Guile’s side, wrapped his arm over her shoulders. Then she quickly sang a rising series of three notes that caused her to transform in to best form. Pink scales coated her arms, lower legs, head and torso, her pupils turned to slits, her teeth grew sharp while her fingers and toes gaind claws that she carefully avoided digging into guils skin. The most important thing however, was that strength surged through her veins that the amphibious woman used to, rather unsteadily, stand tall for the first time, lifting Guile with Rosalina's assistance in the process. The two of them then carried him between them in a human crutch, following after Dr light to the rejuvenation chamber.