Sweat poured down Klanks face as he dropped the wooden plank from his back and started taking off his blue jacket. He used the already damp cloth to wipe the wetness from his face before letting it fall to the ground. All around him, giant logs littered the forest floor, and at the base of where each tree once stood was a finished cigarette. He could hear his captain yelling at him with that weird tone that makes him sound like he was concerned about Klanks health, but also that he would be fine without the shipwright. Only half the time was Bighead easy to read. Moments like that, Klank could never tell. "Damn straight he needs me," Klank muttered under his breath. "Ain't no one else gonna fix all that destruction." There was a wide clearing in the treetops now, and the Sky Ocean was clear to see. The massive whirlpool above was heavily shaded under the cover of the floating island. Beyond that though, the sun rays beamed passed the rock and cast a strange glow within the stormy clouds. It looked so far away. Klank couldn't help to think that they would never make it back down. "There's too much fluctuation in the gravity," he thought to himself. He noticed the changes when he was sawing down all the trees. "I'll never be able to time the departure." Klank thought for a moment as he popped another smoke. After a nice long drag and sigh, "That ones gonna require teamwork." He stared at the Sky Ocean a bit longer; just planning ahead. "Breaks over," he said aloud. "Time for the real work to begin." He cracked his knuckles and then his neck. He hopped down from the stump of the last tree he cut down. When he picked up his multi-tool, Klank unfolded the saw. It would take hours to get through all the fallen trees, but if he could keep himself working in sixth gear, he may be able to finish sooner. Not that it mattered to him. It would all be void of the boisterous laughter, the thunder rolling rumbles of a woman's stomach, and the constant whining of the living weapon. But most of all, what Klank would be most grateful for, is his temporary liberation from a certain individuals enthusiastic denial. He smiled as he took another, silent drag. Excitement filled his heart and further fueled his inner fire. ""THIS WILL BE THE BEST GOD DAMN SHIP IN ALL THE SEAS," he yelled with the fierceness of Captain Bighead.