[@Lmpkio] Well I did not intend on putting Palpatine on hold or anything, I thought you wanted a chance to react to Palpatine, last time I checked the USS Creed did send a warning it was beaming Palpatine to the Hangar bay of the Endeavor. But if you wish I can have Palpatine start stuff over there, it's no issue. As long as Queen Raidne is gone I'll try to keep this running to the best of my abilities (Palpatine included), but it was never my intention to do this alone. There are a lot of things to keep track of when suddenly having to GM the RP on your own. My point is, if there is something holding you back from posting or I happened to miss something, don't just sit around doing nothing. The least any of you can do if such happens is at least point it out in OOC so that I can resolve any issues. That being said, Lmpkio do let me know if you want to do anything else and if that is not the case I'll handle Palpatine in the next post. [@Sep] As suggested, to move things along, the next post will also deal with new arrivals. As a final note I'll just leave this here: For an RP to work communication is key.