[quote=@Liseran Thistle] [Color=thistle]wow everyone's stories are so good here, too bad i have no idea what's going on lol.[/color] [color=thistle]I'd read through season 1, but i don't think i have the time at all, ha.[/color] [Color=Thistle]since everyone seems to upload fairly quickly here, I think I'll start on the next post tomorrow rather than just next week.[/color] [Color=thistle]lastly, I noticed that I'm the 100th post in the character tab so that has to be a good omen i feel![/color] [/quote] We usually don't have these rapid posts. They happen every once in a while, but usually they're more spaced out. We also have a Discord channel [url=https://discord.gg/TmKnsEp]here[/url], where we discuss things related (and unrelated) to the rp.