[@Blueflame][@Searat][@LightningMaiden] [color=a0410d]"Elemental, stop attacking. Ditch the holy water."[/color] The Djinn swallowed his cigarette, closing the distance to the protective barrier, [color=a0410d]"If I know your kind, and I do, be ready to heal the suspect as soon as he's contained."[/color] Argus ordered, sprinting forward and vaulting over the wall of blood. As soon as he was past it, he flicked the handcuffs open l, preparing to grapple Mason and lock the enchanted shackles around his wrists [color=a0410d] "The fight is over Mason. Just let me put these on to keep the shadow from coming back and I'll have the elemental stitch you back together."[/color]