From the outer edge of the Arena, Hadar leaned idly against the wall, only half of him watching the spectacle down below. Two men fought, one with a shortsword and shield, the other with a spear and dagger. They were clad in stylized armor- the swordsman wore a full face helmet reminiscent of a bird of prey and an armguard of steel, while the spearman bore a steel crown and cape with scales. Were Hadar a betting man, he would have put his money on the spearman- the spearman had range, and wore less equipment, meaning his stamina would last longer. Neither warrior wore armor across their chests, rather just had wraps around their lower torsos, so a single good blow to the chest would spell the end for either warrior. He absentmindedly pat his hand between Jana's shoulder blades, at the base of her neck, giving it a reassuring rub. She hadn't been exactly keen on coming to this arena, though to be fair neither was Hadar. His love of fighting and bloodsports had long left him, the whole idea seeming relatively pointless to him now. All things considered though, his niece was a slave in these lands, and where better to find slaves than to follow the blood? The occasional passerby gave a slight shock or took a double take as they saw Jana, a large, exotic feline seemingly being used as a pack animal, but no one approached. Save for the two swords tied to his hip, Hadar appeared every bit like a typical citizen of Kheris: The flowing white, rich-but-not-too-opulent robes, and a shemagh loosely wrapping around his head marked him as a a fairly well to do merchant or traveler, and his 'painted' exotic pack animal companion helped sell the image. There was an eruption of cheering from the crowd and Hadar returned his attention to the duel at hand. As he had predicted, it was the spearman who had won, raising up a cut and bloodied arm aloft, as his foe lay before him, skewered through the gut with a spear. Hadar gave a small sigh. They could've done with some money, perhaps he should have bet after all. Still, all thought of bets and money faded away as Kheris spoke. The God-King himself, Kheris certainly knew how to compose himself, he appeared even, all knowing and benevolent, and had Hadar been born in this country, he probably would've believed it. Kheris spoke at length, before announcing the next event, a fight between [i]demons[/i]. Evokers more specifically. At the mention of these 'demons', Hadar unconsciously placed his hand on the pommel of his Zulfiqar, almost as if he was checking it was still there. Not that Hadar wouldn't have noticed if it was gone. Now Hadar leaned in, his attention more greatly piqued. While it was unfortunate they had to fight to the death, the uniqueness of each relic was something Hadar couldn't just ignore. Furthermore, if anyone knew where slaves were being held and what they did, it'd be one of these gladiators. [color=khaki]"Now if only I could find a way to talk to one of them."[/color] Hadar murmured aloud. Straying a glance towards his companion, he saw Jana glancing somewhere upwards, and looked uncomfortable. He reached down, placing his hand gently against the side of her head. [color=khaki]"What is it?"[/color] he asked her, his tone ever calm, confident, but soothing.