But Idk what I could suggest, maybe dropping the religiousness, I don't mean to be rude towards it if it's your actual faith, but I think it would be kinda strange to have that in a pirate, I'm sorry. I would suggest adding some experience with handling a rifle in his history or personality because you don't have anything there for sniping or any skills in it. I just personally feel as if they are a peaceful character or a non-violent person among people who would be annoyed by his faith or useless in a fight, I don't mean to call your cs useless but I feel as if your char just doesn't fit when we have someone like Hadovich who's all rip and tear and feel as if he'd go against us or want to leave us for the crimes we might cause, do you see where I'm going? I don't mean to be rude I really don't, but like I said I'd suggest dropping the religious part of your cs, I'm sorry but I don't think it will work here.