[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/292173065305980928/442091616228999182/coollogo_com-17681281.png[/img] [sub]Banner credit NMS. Thanks, Cap'n![/sub][/center] [hr] [center][h2]Sherman Square, Lost Haven, Maine[/h2][/center] [color=yellow]”And this is not a courtroom, your charge is foolish. We have done far more here today than is within the right of any of your mortal laws. Do not lecture me, child.”[/color] [color=yellow]”Instead, be useful. Let us remove these fools from our presence.”[/color] The words the man had used had an odd sound quality through the howling storm. She could almost hear two voices, but there was clearly only the man in front of her. The meaning behind them, of course, was clear. [color=c71585]”While I [i]can't[/i] charge you with any thing now,”[/color] she said with a scowl, [color=c71585]”Know that I [i]will[/i] be keeping an eye on you, Pantheon. You [i]will[/i] be held accountable for any actions beyond the defense of this city and the people in it.”[/color] He eyes shifted from him to the scene behind him, and behind her domino mask they narrowed. As the enemy drew beads on them both, her hands swept out, palms forward, and she fired beams on either side of his head, just past his ears, not close enough to do any damage. They were, however, full powered. Both hit armoured trucks, and the armour proved insufficient to stop her attack. The vehicles exploded into shrapnelling debris, blasting back down the street a block and a half before disintegrating. The direction of the hits meant even men standing directly to either side of the vehicles were spared everything but scratches as they dived for cover. Having divided them into three groups, she quickly generated four walls, en feet high, then brought them together until the enemy combatants had been forced into a single group. She bent all four walls in to form another dome, then glared at the man in front of her. [color=c71585]”So, if you have the wherewithal to actually [i]control[/i] yourself instead of acting like a spoiled child, you might try non-lethal methods and containment, instead of wanton murder sprees.”[/color] [color=e38c2d]”Whatever you two have to say about morality, save it for after the fight!”[/color] Leanna turned her head to look at the archer from earlier. [color=e38c2d]”In case you haven’t noticed, they’re still coming! As long as the threat is dealt with and no more civilians are hurt, then do with them as you’d like!”[/color] Glancing up the two streets she had a view of, she saw the woman was correct. Somehow they were facing what seemed to be an [i]army[/i] she had known villain groups with far fewer number than were currently being thrown at them, and had been used far more effectively, to boot. She roared out as loud as she could, [color=c71585][b]"Does [i]anyone[/i] know where these idiots are coming from? This needs to end ASAP!”[/b][/color] One wall of energy to block up each road, and each pushed forward until it met the nose of vehicles, where it curled up and over them, sealing them against the outer walls of the buildings. They might get out that way, but with the size of the constructs she was making, she was beginning to feel some strain. She hadn't done this much work in years, and could feel sweat beginning to bead on her forehead. Much more and she'd have to start combining them somehow, or risk them falling apart. To save some energy, she landed, seemingly ignoring Pantheon for now, other than to acknowledge him as an ally by putting her back to him in the middle of a fight. The wings disappeared, and she fired another beam at low power, knocking one man further out of the square into his comrades and bowling the lot of them over. She smiled, despite the stress of the situation. A big battle, with two companions- [color=c71585][i]or at least as close as can be found right now[/i][/color], she thought sarcastically -at her back, she was beginning to feel a sense of prupose she hadn't felt in a while. Perhaps retirement wasn't all it was cracked up to be. Of course, her shoulders were already aching, her hip was complaining about her landing slightly too hard, and her breath felt a little short, but it also felt [i]good[/i] to be back in action. She hazarded a glance back, and saw the archer was hurt, a shot to the leg. [color=c71585]”We're not in any danger here, miss. I suggest you try finding some cover, or perhaps head for the Center itself. There might be good vantage points, and standing next to us might be worse than by yourself.”[/color]