[center][color=92278f][h3]Victor Asimov[/h3][/color][/center] Such a strange place. Most of the inscriptions or details about the jungle and its local flora and fauna seemed rather close to spot on. The young man could only guess whether his survival skills would hold up here or if the tactics he would use to hunt game back in the evergreen forests of home would prove useful here. He was sure he would have to adapt as any good soldier would when working in this theater of war. Adapt and overcome would be what his former squad leader would say. We are Russian after all maybe a little crazy is what is needed of us. [b]"This place is something else."[/b] His thoughts were interrupted when someone approached and spoke out to him. Being utterly surprised while being forced from his day dreaming. Victor seemed to flinch and instinctively back away from this new man, assuming a defensive position for a moment before relaxing, [color=92278f]“S-sorry. I uh I guess I’m still a little jumpy.” [/color]Victor stood straight and lowered his fists opting to bring his hands together nervously. Taking a moment to breathe and regain his composure Victor couldn’t help but smile. It was something he did when he was nervous or was in trouble and normally didn’t help things much when you smiled at someone who was scolding you. [color=92278f]“Sorry about that”[/color] he said as he took the other man’s hand. [b]“I didn't know the world could be so vibrant!”[/b] He brought a hand forward, offering it to the stranger. [b]“I am Yosef. It is good to meet you.”[/b] The other man spoke, he was taller than average but still shorter than the blond. They shared similar body types with this man’s skin being a few shades darker than his own. His hair was also a bit darker with a little facial hair. [color=92278f]“Victor Asimov. And yeah it definitely will take some getting used to especially if we are going to be fighting in it.”[/color] He trailed off as he let the man’s hand go. Sighing and looking around he bit his lip while staring off at the others, [color=92278f]“I think I might be the youngest one here. I’m also unsure of why they would want to send someone straight out of boot camp on a near suicide mission…”[/color] he trailed off for a moment. [color=92278f]“But I guess it’s better than the trenches at Moscow.”[/color] Victor wasn’t sure what he felt about this. He always had this lingering feeling that his father pulled some sort of strings, but he wasn’t entirely sure either. The boy did see a younger girl nearby that seemed to be either bored or daydreaming like he was earlier. Everyone here was recruited to be in this squad 914 so very soon they would all be family. Best to get introductions out of the way now then have to do it under more stressful conditions. [color=92278f]“Hey Ma’am”[/color] he said to her, still in a very formal way from his time at boot camp. She was close enough that he didn’t have to yell, [color=92278f]“You’re always welcome to join in on our conversation. I um, I might be a bit awkward but I don’t think the two of us are unapproachable.”[/color] He was wondering what kind of roles or background these two had. Mostly so he knew who his likely battle buddy was.