Rainer sweatdropped at Abbygails graphic example of him being chased around for the rest of his life from bounty hunters. “Come on only one in five of bounty hunters and Marines are worth worrying over!" He heard Musashi say, which gave him a small spark of hope that everything would be ok. "Though you could get unlucky and meet an admiral! That would suck!” She finished. Rainer fell to the floor in a comicly depressed manner, his soul looking like it was leaving his body. "With my luck I'd probably be hunted by all of them." He said with tears. After a couple of moments, Rainer shook his head and stood up, pushing thethought away till after they got somewhere safe. He then listened as Mark told them to hide under deck, "Yeah, that'd be a good idea for now." He said before noticing Saki, "Ah, who's this?"